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crank no start help

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got an 06 cranks no codes when running injector electric self test injectors dont click at all finishes test and says pass..swapped a ficm didnt help.. voltage to the ficm is good grounds are good any suggestions???

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What scan tool are you using? Many aftermarket tools give poor/erroneous info on these engines.


Did you run the KOEO test, too?


I'd try plugging a known good injector into it, and rerunning the buzz test to see if the injector buzzes.


Have you thought of using the "injector test light" to verify no power to the injectors?


I've never heard of this sequence of events- no buzz during the buzz test with no codes.


Good Luck!


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  Aaron said:

I think Mike had something like this awhile back (mchan68) i bet he will chime in here, if that is the case.


What's ICP/RPM/etc?

And right you are Aaron. Long story short, the truck I had in question had SIX non-responsive injectors that passed the buzz test. I was able to verify the circuits with my "noid light" tester plugged into the non-responding injector connectors. Heres the thread, which sounds very similar to your situation:


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i was using the ids...believe or not all 8 injectors are fried.plugged in new injectors in 7 and 8 cylinders and they clicked..the story i got was the battery went dead and they "boosted" it with a battery charger..first time i seen all 8 shit the bed...maybe they used a 24 volt charger and the ficm ramped up the voltage and cooked the injectors??

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  quicksix said:

i was using the ids...believe or not all 8 injectors are fried.


Somehow I suspected that.


plugged in new injectors in 7 and 8 cylinders and they clicked..the story i got was the battery went dead and they "boosted" it with a battery charger..first time i seen all 8 shit the bed...maybe they used a 24 volt charger and the ficm ramped up the voltage and cooked the injectors??

That's possible. I've seen other situations with 8 bad injectors and thought it should never happen, too.


Glad you found it. Good luck!


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It's an E-van, right? You poor bastard.....

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I see this a lot on the international chassis. The truck comes in with low power, skipping, and blowing white smoke. Classic stiction issue. Part of the pre approval is performing the buzz test. Very rarely do I get any injectors to buzz. Never get any faults indicating an open or short. Replace all 8, they buzz and I am good to go. I figured that the stuck spool valve was preventing me from hearing the "buzz".

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