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IH Engine Diagnostic Software

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Bruce Amacker

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Hey Guys:


For those of you working on IH either without software, or not happy with your software, I have some(perhaps) good news. Service Assistant (SAINT), which is really great, easy to use, engine diagnostics software, is available from SU Enterprises, and they quoted me a really cheap price under $400. I don't know if they'll hold that for anyone,and they would not give me a street price. They just said, "Have them contact us". This is good news because this software is very easy to use, covers all IH electronic engines, has guided diagnostics built in, and does not "time out" or need to be on the internet like later ServiceMaxx does. It's also easier to use than SM.


They don't do phone calls, so e-mail them if you're interested, and mention my name.


Try it, you'll like it.




Subj: RE: Replacement Product Request via SU Enterprise Website

From: Sales_001@suenterprise.com (Sales)

To: BAmacker@aol.com









We will be more than happy assisting your students. Please have them contact us and we will provide them with the special package and pricing. Thank you.




Sales Department







From: BAmacker@aol.com [mailto:BAmacker@aol.com]

Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 02:42 PM

To: Sales_001@suenterprise.com

Subject: Re: Replacement Product Request via SU Enterprise Website


In a message dated 8/19/2009 2:39:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Sales_001@suenterprise.com writes:

ServiceAssistant-MD v2.0

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I can see that and don't disagree because you are a regular user of both softwares. My experience with the occasional user is that they struggle with both SM and DLB. It takes considerable use of both softwares to become proficient and comfortable, leaving the casual user liking Saint much better than SM. Rather than get frustrated and upset, I suggest the casual user get Saint if it is available.


The majority of my students use the software less than once per month, because they work on everything from HD trucks to MD trucks, LD trucks, cars, lawnmowers, farm tractors, weedeaters, and plows.


In addition to this, most of my students are gov't agencies and large fleets without administrative access to their laptops, which means they cannot install updates. You would not believe how difficult it is to persuade the IT department that you need to update the software on a regular basis. These requests are generally put on the "never to be done list", which frustrates the hell out of the techs. I have fleets who have put in numerous requests dating back over a year that have fallen on deaf ears. Once again, sometimes we don't realize how good we have it. I would freak out if I had to have an IT administrator install software updates for me. Some of the laptops are completely locked up- no access to Explorer or the hard drive at all. They have a special desktop with only a couple of software choices. This is how the IT departments justify their jobs.


Most of my students need to abide by "KISS"- keep it simple. SM and DLB are not simple, Saint is.


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  Bruce Amacker said:

I can see that and don't disagree because you are a regular user of both softwares. My experience with the occasional user is that they struggle with both SM and DLB. It takes considerable use of both softwares to become proficient and comfortable, leaving the casual user liking Saint much better than SM. Rather than get frustrated and upset, I suggest the casual user get Saint if it is available.



I would have to agree with that. I can definitely see how an occasional user would get frustrated easily. It took me some time to get proficient.

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Thanks for the info, Bruce. I'll be sending an email right away, I've just aken delivery of a new-ish LG R560 and wanna have some fun with it. Coming to western Canada anytime this century, or should I saddle up the donkey and head south?

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I have nothing on the schedule right now at all in Canada, so a road trip may be needed. What's an LG R560? A laptop?


I might suggest the IC3COM/IC4COM cables, too, and they are low in price from SU Ent.


Good Luck!


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Uh, sorry Bruce, ya it's a laptop. I get a little carried away sometimes....I'm trying to get all my software rounded up for it these days. I'm assuming Saint doesn't care if it's USB or not...?

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It's not Saint, but the cable that cares about the com port. If you get an IC4USB, you're home free. There's a wireless cable available for about the same money but might not work on 98-02 IH Lucas Varity ABS systems. I just got the wireless cable last week and it works well so far- but that's a short trial. The IC4USB is a proven cable.




Don't forget to order the 6 pin/9 pin adapter.


The wireless is about the same money.




Good Luck!


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I can't remember if I've asked you this at any time in the past, but how effectively would Saint communicate through Nexiq's USB link, or AutoTap HD's cable? Have any fleets that you've trained used that combo?

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How long of a session have you used your SAINT program for? I have had very limited sucess data logging with it. Sometimes it works fine, but more often than not, the data becomes intermitant - logs for 3 sec then nothing for 4-5 secs, then loggs for 3 secs and so on. At first I tried several different IC4 cables with the same results. Then international put out an Iknow file stating that it was because the laptops were getting hot. I disproved this with a bag of ice and some ice cold A/C. Changed to service max and the nav com cable. Both have their bugs. The biggest problem with service maxx is that it can only be used on a maxx force engine, and I don't like how they have there pids laid out (anyone no how to move the pids around?)

Are you able to buy the IC4 for a reasonable amount? I've been looking to buy my own set up and have been looking at the Nex IQ equipment but am not sure what else I need besides the com cable. Do you know if it comes with all the software too??

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No, I haven't done any extended data logging or recording, so I haven't experienced the problems you have.


The ServiceMaxx bugs on the early engines are supposed to be fixed either now or in the next update. For now, IH is giving customers a free download of MDF when they're working on older trucks.


The IC4 is about $500 with the 9 pin and shipping directly from SU Ent at:




"Comes with all of the software?" I don't understand the question. It comes with a driver (download).


If you're working on IH's, I'd stick with the IC cables. They are the most compatible with IH's oddball Lucas Varity ABS, ('98-'02 hydraulic) which talks on a different pin than all of the engines and trannies (pin F of the 6 pin Deutsch). No other module talks on this pin, so it can be ignored by the aftermarket cable companies.


Good Luck!


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International just released a bulletin last week regarding the com boxs. As of January 1, 2010, International will no longer support the IC-4 cable. Everything will need to be done with the navcom cable. They insist they will have all the bugs worked out of the navcom cable. I wonder if they even considered the lucas varity hyd. brake system?

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That is important news for the International guys but as far as Ford is concerned we don't have any new models that require Navistar diagnostics and likely had no need to update to the new cable/software. I say likely because if a dealer does a lot of work on F-Series and LCF's and their equipment fails... support is no longer available for the IC-4 cable or the software. What about module reprogramming? Wabco brakes? Will the current software still work?


I am holding onto my MD Truck software tightly... along with the software key!!! I doubt my dealer will put the money out for the new cable and I assume software to go with it but do you have any pricing information? I'll keep my yes open on the Ford end to see if anything pops up.

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The nav com cable is about $700. If they (international) get enough orders they can reduce the price by $20-30. As of right now, the nav com cable will not work with any 6 pin data links, some wabco hyd. abs, and the navistar/lucas varity abs. I have programmed everything with the 9 pin ATA connector with out a problem with the nav com cable, with the exception of the new big bore ecm's. I don't know what will happen for the Ford dealers, if international pulls the IC-4 from the selection of cables on the NETS screen.

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The NavCom cable also has some other cool stuff built into it, like an internal datalogger that works without the laptop. According to the NavCom user's guide, it is compatible with IH (Lucas Varity) hydraulic ABS, but I haven't tried it to verify that.


SUEnterprise.com is still selling IC4COMs and Saint software, and I hope they continue to......




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