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Health benefits.

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I am wondering what everyone in Canada is paying for they're health benefits?, and what is your coverage?

If you don't mind me asking.

Where I work a family is paying $98.07 every two weeks. We don't have eye glass coverage, 100% dental, but still get charged when we go to the dentist. 100% perscriptions and a long term disability.

This comes as a shock to me as I have recently move from Ont. where I was paying $120.00/month. For that I got 100% dental where I didn't still have to pay at the dentist and $400.00 every 2 years for glasses(this is important when you have 3 kids and yourself with glasses).

Thanks for any replies.

Bill Kelly

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I'm paying just shy of $190 a month.... I'm not sure if my kid is still covered under the plan or not...


I just spent $2700 at the dentist.... the health plan reimbursed me $1400... I can't recall about glasses... Alberta Health Care pays the exam fees, IIRC...

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My last pay stub said I paid $222.88 for benefits and my dental will only cover up to $1500.00 per year. We get 100% coverage for minor dental and 50% coverage for major dental up until we reach that $1500.00 max benefit limit. All of our prescriptions are paid for and we get absolutely no eye glass coverage. Oh yeah, and my wife gets a whole woppin $25,000.00 if my hoist gives out and drops a truck on me killing me.

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It can get complex here in the land of universal medical care.... private plans can refuse to pay for things universal plans pay for.... and universal plans will refuse to pay for anything a private plan pays for (and you thought Ford warranty was complex).


There have been changes in the past... and I am abjectly behind the times (bills and such are my loving brides responsibility) but I recall AHC (Alberta Health Care) and Alberta Blue Cross as being complimentary.... and, in the case of Blue Cross, not free.


As it stands.... insurance is insurance... there is no free ride. Somewhere.... somehow... sometime... there has to be somebody paying the premiums without collecting the benefits... or is this "thinking wrong"?

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Ooooooh, man....


You are about to learn that Ontariariario is the heart of the country... Between that place and the frogs, they think they are God's gift to Canada and that the people that really make this country tick are a couple of buns shy of a wiener roast....


The western provinces are what makes Canada viable....


Unfortunately, enough easterners moved here to elect a liberal in conservative clothing like Selmack (no... I don't care to learn how to spell his name) - OK... I got the snow job, too...


And I am sorry....


Bottom line... Alberta is a "have" province... Have you ever heard of "transfer payments"?????

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  bkell said:

I'm just wondering why our Albertan dollar doesn't go as far as an Ontario dollar. Population?

I am glad we don't have to pay $600.00/m for our insurance.

Do you not pay taxes to the Government entity that furnishes your healthcare?

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  Jim Warman said:

Ooooooh, man....


You are about to learn that Ontariariario is the heart of the country... Between that place and the frogs, they think they are God's gift to Canada and that the people that really make this country tick are a couple of buns shy of a wiener roast....




But then there are Albertan's who think that they are God's gift to Canada. There are extremists everywhere. Two wrongs don't make a right. It doesn't hurt for a new citizen of the province to ask what the norm is.



By the way, what did you pay in Ontario Bkell?

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  bkell said:

I think we should all get along, after all we are still all Canadians.

My, my... Indeed, we SHOULD all get along together... We ARE Canadians... But you desparately need to understand "transfer payments".


What it boils down to.... eastern Canada is "running the country" because this is where the people (and the votes) are. Western Canada is supplying the operating capital...


How many Albertans did you meet working in Ontario? I'm talking house buying, going to work Albertans?


You complain of the high costs in Alberta.... look to eastern canada.. look to transfer payments... the federal kitty that every province pays in to.... the same kitty that gives Alberta less than she puts in....


the same kitty that gives the east MORE than they put in...


Yes... we should get along... but some folks need to wake up before that can happen.


I've lived with those high costs since 1967.... One of the things I have come to realize.... If you want more money to be spent on YOU.... there is a good chance that YOU will have to sign a check...


I work fucking hard for my pay.... there is no free lunch. I'm sorry, man... By the way... welcome to one of Canadas last frontiers.

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No disrespect to you Jim. I work hard for my pay as well. I was just trying to find out if it was my employer not doing what they said they were doing or if insurance is truly this pricy here. I've been here for 5 years and I'm not complaining about having to pay. Like I said I had a question of employer fairness.

Now that I see you and Dwayne are paying around the same I am finding that it is the way it is. I made the decision to move here because I have to support my family. It's a cost of living. Other than this issue I don't find it that much more to live here. Milk is a little more here, but there is not a dairy farm around every corner you turn.

Again no disrespect. Please don't get too worked up over my thoughts.

Maybe we'll meet when 6.7 training comes around.


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Dwayne, in Ontario I was paying $67.00 every two weeks and this included provisions for eye glasses every 2 years. It must be a population thing. Down there the insurance companies put many businesses under one umbrella. Here our plan is geared towards Harwood alone. If the companies would put several businesses under one plan I could be cheaper for us. Juat a thought.


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I agree with that. I think we get Royally fucked. Some people are content on accepting that and if no one ever questions it, we will keep getting Royally fucked. It's allot like going through life with your eyes wide shut and never questioning government tactics either. Hell, if we would have never questioned the Liberals tactics, those fuckers would still be in power. I guess that's why the insurance system is the way it is here.



Don't ask, don't tell policy. Oh my god you may have woken some of us up. My ass is starting to hurt now.

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I'm almost an American with free health care, I live so damn close!


To be completely honest, I couldn't tell you what we pay for OHIP. Apparently it comes off my paycheck, but nowhere on my pay stub does it specifically say where and how much.

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Now are you talking about aftermarket benefits from a dealership or otherwise?


My benefits are paid for through work, but they aren't very good. The union shop I was at had EXCELLENT benefits, and I never saw a bill for those either.


My wife has blue cross and I think she pays about $50 a month for it and it covers glasses, prescriptions, and all other shit that you need to fix yourself up. Unlike most health plans, it also covers birth control, as well as appearance things, like prescription drugs for acne or anything along those lines that most plans don't cover.

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No offence taken, Bill... I may sound a little "off" sometimes because I tend to open my mouth and whatever I am thinking at the moment spills out.


Anyway... I have lived in sunny Alberta since 1967.... T'would be about 1980 and Trudeau enacted the National Energy Plan.... Basically, this was Ottawa raping Alberta...


The Feds purchased PETROCan (spawning the acronym Pierre Elliot Trudeau Rips Off Canada) at huge cost - and later sells it off to friends of the regime at fire sale prices.


If there are any Canadian rednecks - they live in Alberta - but probably not around Brooks (a friend recently moved to Brooks - Derek Bates can explain the northern oil patch to you). This is still fairly rough and tumble... not like it was 15 or 20 years ago... but life here isn't what you could consider "politically correct"... There's good money to be made here.... but it's just as easy to spend a lot of money.


One of my fave bumper stickers of all time - "Please Lord - let there be another oil boom - I promise not to piss it up against a wall this time...".

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