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DPF Cleaner

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The Cleveland School Board has one, and yes, it works. It is the air pulse style, not the huge dollar oven that bakes the carbon out of them. Our local IH dealer takes clogged DPFs there because there's no other quick way to clean them. There's a picture of it in Keith's DPF article:



Does it make them as good as new? Probably not. If the DPF is packed with coke it will need to be baked in an oven to burn the coke into ash. It does make them serviceable again, though.




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We have one at our dealership. It to is an air pulse style unit with a vacuum in it I believe. Sounds like a muffled shotgun every minute or so. We have had good luck with it so far. We have not had any really nasty DPF's yet though.

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