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6.7 at SEMA

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Hey Guys:


I'm at SEMA in Vegas and thought you might enjoy some pics I shot. They have a 6.7 truck and cutaway there and I shot 200+ pics here's a few:


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I'm really tired, but here's some quick notes:



4 valves, 4 rockers, 2 pushrods in one lifter on one lobe

Dual EGR coolers in an easy to service housing on top of the right VC, set up so that thermal expansion won't kill them.

Bosch HPCR, piezo injecotors with 8 holes

Intake manifold built into VC

Cross bolted mains

External oil cooler

Injectors external to the VC

Dual stats, easy to service

Front gear drive

EGR valve super simple and out in the open on RT VC


Turbo looks like a Garrett style VGT with a FMC label


I'm very impressed with the easy to service design!


More pics to come when I get home...



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Posted Image Thank God the injectors are external. They finally learned something. But, the injection pump is still internal to the engine at the front, Right? I wonder how it will hold up to leaks and whether or not it will overfill the crankcase if it leaks. But Man, am I freakin happy that they didn't stick the injectors under the valve covers. And the EGR and EGR cooler system looks awesome.......so far. Posted Image
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Great pics, Bruce. Maybe I will take the 6.7 diesel course after all. I was all set to let my diesel certification lapse if it looked like another pos to work on. lol. I wish I was in Vegas, I woke up to frost on the ground this morning.

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Anyone pull an oasis on that VIN yet?


I did.... Posted Image










Now my PTS account is probably flagged. LOL.

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Oasis looks normal - no warranty info since the warranty end of things is down for maintenance.


Funny to note: warranty start date and build date are the same Posted Image

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Holy shit that thing is crammed in there. Anything goes wrong in the back under that cowl and it looks like guys are gonna opt to remove the cab, even though they said cab off wont be needed to service this engine.


Man, I wish I was there. I went last year and had a blast. I was there for 7 days and only saw a fourth of the show. That place is ridiculously big. Something like 3 million square feet inside, plus all the stuff outside.

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That looks extremely crammed in that engine compartment. I guess they got smart and put everything that has failed on the two previous engine external but I'm sure the labor times on this engine won't be great. The 6.4 is sometimes a pain to work on but it sure has given my paycheck a boost the last two periods.

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Dwayne... are you sure you aren't looking at a cut-away? I can't see Ford placing 30,000 PSI plumbing where Joe Average can easily get to it... Scarey enough that the "exposed" lines on the 6.4 are buried under turbos and heat shields. The current trend in infernal (sic) combustion technology is to minimize the possibility of external leaks... environmental laws may be part of the impetus for this ( http://tinyurl.com/ycpgakw might give some insight into Alberta requirements). as agencies on both sides of the border tighten the screws on polluters.


While the new motor has made promises regarding power output and fuel consumption, we all have to admit that it wont take much of an improvement for the 6.4 to make something else look good.


Let's not forget that this new motor is chock full of those goodies we love to hate...


The EGR valve hasn't been entirely trouble free on the 6.4. Maybe keeping the valve hot in the 6.7 will answer the problems.... maybe it will create new ones.


We'll still have the VGT - without a position sensor... but it looks like we get a waste gate to help deal with anything less than self-inflicted overboost conditions. It adds complexity and(as the waste gate tries to hide VGT problems) it may add to the possibility of misdiagnosis. Time will tell.


A the good Lord knows that piezo stack injectors have been a real good answer.... how many liters do we see drain out of a 6.4 oil pan?


Hopefully we wont see any more V-Macs or pumps driven off the front of the crank...


But we do have new technology thrown at us... Here is a very interesting article on SRC technology http://tinyurl.com/cyk8ub



Don't get me wrong... I'm still pretty excited by this new engine..... but there's going to be enough same old same old included in the package that you can't tell what to expect...

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  Jim Warman said:

We'll still have the VGT - without a position sensor... but it looks like we get a waste gate to help deal with anything less than self-inflicted overboost conditions. It adds complexity and(as the waste gate tries to hide VGT problems) it may add to the possibility of misdiagnosis. Time will tell.



Ah yes the VGT.....But with a twist, no longer a Hi/Low pressure turbo set up but rather a turbo with 2 ( Yes 2 ) compressor wheels, they sit back to back and have a joint housing in common. This should be interesting come turbo cleaning time.

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I don't think this is going to make any difference for us in the field, Larry... We never did have much to do with the compressor side of things. The turbine is still single sided and I don't see where much will change there. Other than the actuator being a little more "positive" (read that as having maybe a little more grunt). Thus far, I don't recall any sticking VGTs on the 6.4s.... so far....

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  Jim Warman said:

Thus far, I don't recall any sticking VGTs on the 6.4s.... so far....

First engine in a 6.4 that needed replacing at the dealer I was at - hotline told us to pull the little arm back and forth to see if the VGT would move. It wouldnt, even with a big screwdriver against it it wouldn't budge.


This one had a #2 injector blown apart and melted #2 piston and scored the cylinder all to hell.


Not sure if the VGT part of the turbo that was seized up, or the actuator was whistled, or whatnot.

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What’s with these ports on the front of the oil pan? Any ideas?





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Sensor on bottom of plastic oil pan?


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I asked the Ford guy what the two sensors are on the bottom of the pan, and he said oil temp and pressure. But there’s an OPS by the filter…..

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The secondary FF looks like a sealed unit. But very accessible.


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(Inside toolbox)


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I should have zoomed in on the 6.7 logo- it’s nice.

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FF right out in the open.


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Scope out the curved edges on the turbo compressor wheel:


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Two pushrods in one lifter:

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Overhead oiler tube with pinholes drilled in it for the rockers, like a Pinto. You younguns DO know what a Pinto is, right? You can see the base of this tube in a pic from the other day getting oil from the head. I wonder if the pushrods are solid?


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DTC compresses these pictures considerably to save on bandwidth. If anyone wants a full size pic of something, let me know. They were all shot with two Olympus pocket cameras, most with an old D550 3.2MP and some with a FE370 8.0MP. The old D550 shoots a better picture than the newer one....




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ports on front of oil pan will not be there in production asked that question today, secondary fuel filter is replaced as unit, turbocharger is a garret, ill find out about the sensor in the oil pan no mention of it in the web based class and did not see one on the engine we will be tearing down

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