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Monster Garage

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Hey guy's, The new season of Monster garage is coming up in Jan. on Discovery channel. They are taping it down here in Southwest Detroit. Some of the guy's involved are customers of ours. They haven't been able to say anything about the show yet. One of the guy's just came by with a Vintage Plymouth 4 dr sedan. Firepower 331 Hemi, Dual Carb, Impco LPG fuel. He said it was putting out about 625HP. Really impressive the way he had it setup. I tried to take pics of it but he wouldn't let me. He said it is going to be on the 11th episode. They said some of the stuff the are building will put Jesse James to shame. We'll see.

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One day when i have copious amounts of time (and a garage) im going to convert my 400hp small block 81 chev pickup to turbo / propane setup. I have all the parts collected, just need time.

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  Jim Warman said:

Propane.... had a brief fling with it back in the 80s.... Ya don't cook rib-eyes over burning gasoline.... why would you run your car on barbecue fuel??? Posted Image



I figure it's better than trying to run it on fast food grease and everything stinking like fries or fish.

It was a nice setup. The Hemi sat low in the car. It looked like he took 2 headers and cut them down to about 3 inches tall and mounted them for the intake, used 4 hoses on each side up to the plenum that he custom built with the carbs atop that. Used a piece of diamond plate to cover the valley. I actually found it funny when he popped the trunk and there they were 2 33lb forklift tanks. I asked him where the "forks" were.

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