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What's in your bay, part II

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2 6.4s with blown up engines with a possible 3rd on the way. Not just a 6.4 pickup truck, these have overhead cranes/booms on them so getting a cab up is a bitch. Have I mentioned I really really hate my job some days/weeks? Posted Image

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Fun? Hardly!


Here is the first pile..it was enough electronics wiring from the cab to body to make a Lincoln proud! Thankfully it ran so I could turn the boom to lift the cab. I have been running actual time like crazy but im still going to be upside down in this pig


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Not much diesel work but I did manage to get a rear main oil seal and oil pan along with a tr sensor and column overhaul on one completely rotted out, oil undercoated, 2001 super duty equipped with a 5.4. YAHOO!

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2011 6.7L King Ranch 16k on the odo. Died while driving down the freeway, starts - after cranking for about 30 seconds, running on 4 cylinders. Has red dye fuel in it (off-road use only - non taxed) P0266, P0281, P1140, P1291, P1292, Has a shorted out fuel injector (see TSB 11-06-10) and needs all 8 replaced and perhaps a pump, some water in the fuel sample, and also some debris. My SD, SM and SF decided it's getting shipped up the road to the selling dealer to deal with, we're in warranty counseling and they don't want to mess with it or have to tell this guy that he needs to buy $4000 worth of injectors for his brand new truck.


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I'm going to have to go in sat to finish that damn expedition. I haven't touched it for more than an hour all week and now I'm swamped.


Right now I'm in the middle of a 02 F450 with up-pipes and a center driveshaft u-joint + carrier bearing. tomorrow a 02 mount is on the schedule for a black box 5R

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Its a military base vehicle so yeah not driven on the street but still! I wouldnt want to be driving around a airport like that!


I can only get the hood up 6-12inches so havent has a chance to even see the engine yet!

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What the hell is it with these jacked up body installs on 6.4s!!!!!. Of course its a crankno start and in my bay!
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This thing was doomed the day it arrived at the upfitter. It doesn't get taken out on the highway and beat on (cleaned out, exhaust brought up to a good temp, ect) and it sits around the yard and when called upon, idles for who knows how long to run the PTO for those stairs. Just what a 6.4 was designed for. Posted Image
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Air Canada GSE (ground service equipment) just brought us their 2011 F550 wrecker for a safety, I guess they take it on the road sometimes. Powered by gasoline.

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  Keith Browning said:

Yeah, a V-10 would have been a wiser choice on this one. I also wonder if they run aviation fuel in this truck.

Smells like bio and a high percentage at that. pulled codes on the thing, p2291 and no high pressure fuel. on the bright side it has a electric override for the pto system so I can at least lift the stairs out of the way Posted Image


its going to be a long week

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