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3.0 Milan head gasket job, are you serious?!

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We had a young tech checking out a used 08 Milan, found an oil leak, determined to be coming from the rear head gasket. They gave the job to me because we were short on diesel work. Being the first time I like to go through the book, and holy balls this thing was a pain in the but. Thinking maybe next time I'll drop the sub frame and do the head gasket "my" way. Ugh, what a bitch, just needed to vent Posted Image

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We had a young tech checking out a used 08 Milan, found an oil leak, determined to be coming from the rear head gasket. They gave the job to me because we were short on diesel work. Being the first time I like to go through the book, and holy balls this thing was a pain in the but. Thinking maybe next time I'll drop the sub frame and do the head gasket "my" way. Ugh, what a bitch, just needed to vent Posted Image

Did this exact same repair, for the exact same concern right down to the same bank, about a year ago. And yes, I did drop the subframe. Believe it or not, dropping the powertrain is not a PITA on these vehicles. Just remember to mark the steering coupler orientation, due to the fact that it is NOT master splined on these particular vehicles.
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Milan's like a Fusion, right?


Guy down the hall has done a couple, and Escapes as well -- he likes doing 'em in chassis. He makes time on 'em.


The Edge he drops the powertrain out of.

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Milan's like a Fusion, right?

Yes, that's right. And yes, I was referring to a Fusion as the same vehicle I was working on.


Originally Posted By: Aaron
Guy down the hall has done a couple, and Escapes as well -- he likes doing 'em in chassis. He makes time on 'em.


The Edge he drops the powertrain out of.

There isn't much to dropping powertrains out of Edges, Fusions or Escapes. For the ease of access to torquing head bolts and pulling engines, it makes it more worthwhile for me.
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I try and avoid them.


I'm working on my SECOND econoline diesel of the YEAR Posted Image tomorrow, and I'm the only diesel guy at our shop, so I'm not stickhandling the vans Posted Image

For once I got you beat Aaron. I got TWO E-450s in on the hook yesterday as no-starts with promise times of "whenever he has time to get to it". I got TWO '09 Escapes also "in line" waiting in the new year for phasers, an F-Series coming in next week, that "Joe's Garage" hacked up EVERYTHING under the sun (fan stator broken and silly snotted together, main cowl harness broken and left sitting on top of turbo, FICM brackets MISSING and left sitting on the VC loose, inertia switch bypassed and wires taped together, MASSIVE exhaust leak due to improper y-pipe to inlet installation etc....). Oh, that's not to mention another 6.0L coming in possibly for heads. Sorry for the highjack.
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