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f250 7.3 fuel in coolant

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2002 f-250 with fuel in the coolant.Im not actually working on this truck but the guy needs a little help.From my understanding this is usually due to a bad injector cup(s) correct?Just wandering what the procedure is or testing is to find faulty cup(s)?

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Yes, 99% of the time it's a leaking injector sleeve. The procedure to find the bad sleeve is to remove all injectors and pressure test the cooling system while looking down the injector bores. The offender generally shows up quite quickly, we change them all when it happens. You'll need the special tools to do the R&R.


Good Luck!


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well we have all injectors out and system is pressurized but we are having trouble finding the suspect cups. the only thing we can see is the cups fill back up after letting sit for a while.Is it possible for a super slow leak? the degas bottle wasnt overflowing when it came in just filled up to the top with the mix of coolant and fuel.Also can the replace all cups with heads in vehicle? The other thing is the cooling system is holding pressure.You said 99% of the time its the injector cups...What is the other 1%?? Cracked head?

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  robp823 said:

well we have all injectors out and system is pressurized but we are having trouble finding the suspect cups. the only thing we can see is the cups fill back up after letting sit for a while.


Filling up with what? Coolant? You have multiple failures then.


Is it possible for a super slow leak?


Of course.



the degas bottle wasnt overflowing when it came in just filled up to the top with the mix of coolant and fuel.Also can the replace all cups with heads in vehicle?

Yes. Do you have the tools, and what tools do you have? Cyl #7 might give you some grief because of the AC plenum....



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Bruce, the tools we have are the otc 014-00934-4 injector replacer sleeve and 014-00934-2 injector sleeve tap pilot.My guess is a super slow leak because the cooling system only lost a half pound of pressure over about an hour.We are going to clean the injector cups again and let it sit and continue to try and find suspect cups.The only other possible cause for this could be a cracked head correct?

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It finally warmed up nicely, 78F for a high today, it's in the 60's right now. I've ridden my bike almost every day since arrival down to the beach, but there's more tourists than babes there. Posted Image I guess it's like the old fishing adage- a bad day on the beach is better than a good day working.....



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Location? You mean like gay Key West? Nope- not me. Straight, married, and here with my wife. I'm in Naples, surrounded by rich old fucks. Got a condo here for "snowbirding" and staying sane, with a phone and internet I can run the business almost as well as at home. My big task today was to get a stray chameleon out of the house. Anthony taught in NC this week and I do a DT class in Ft. Myers in a few weeks. Just laying low and enjoying the weather and riding my bicycle, trying to work my gut off. My brother bought a condo in the next building over so we have someone to hang out with. Real estate is very reasonably priced here right now, a very good investment if you're looking to invest. Condos in our development that were selling for 250K+ two years ago are selling between 62 and 70K. It's a good time to get in, if that's your thing.


I fart around on the computer for a few hours writing programs and making phone calls, and screw off in the afternoon outside in the sun. It's really quite nice- beats the shit out of freezing my ass off at home. Now that I came down here, the weather warmed up(??) in Cleveland, above freezing and quit snowing. After Christmas it snowed 10 days straight, 2.5 feet, and never broke 25F.



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