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Negative Fuel Pressure

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That's right, I said NEGATIVE fuel pressure. Had one not long ago with a rusted fuel tank and clogged filters. During diagnostics when I road tested with the fuel pressure gage it started to read vacuum... went as high as 12" if my memory serves me. I was under the impression the 6.4L would not run with 0 fuel pressure and here I see a vacuum! Yes, it ran poorly and supposedly would stall.


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Just when you think you know the answers.................

I gave up trying to predict what the answers from the warranty nazis will be. (we now have all the parts in stock to do a 6.4 short block because i figured it was a no brainer to short block one rather than replace it for twice the cost)
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After some of the stuff I've seen and had approved in the last year (some with inspectors and pictures of everything) I've come to the conclusion that Ford will warranty anything.....so nothing suprises me and I figure warranty will cover it until I'm told otherwise.


Guy across the shop from me has a 6.4 torn down now - company has TWO (yes that's a 2!) oil change records in 52,000 miles (65,000 if you go by the hours) and ONE fuel filter record. Owner of the company keeps trying to claim ignorance like we didn't know this or nobody told us that - my SM told him it was in the owner's manual and then said "Ford doesn't warranty you not reading the Owner's manual"....these guys service oil rig equipment - like they don't know how an hour meter works?!?! let alone a normal oil change interval?!?! Several months back this truck was in with the thermostats out of it (it had red coolant in it - made them pay for a flush and the owner swore he was going to take care of that - now it has green coolant in it and the horizontal cooler blown out of it. FSE happened to be in the area so he did the inspection that prior approval requested and he denied warranty on the spot - now the company owner is filing a CUDL - all their trucks are bought under his name and he has a score of like 87 - I suspect Ford is going to warranty this one!

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Part of the deal is that putting red or green coolant in isn't grounds for denying warranty.... Ford will have to prove that a particular act (adding the wrong coolant) or an omission ( i.e. failure to act - either in not replacing a filter according to schedule or something similar ) is the progenitor of the failure...


Now, however, we appear to be entering a new phase in both technology and warranty awareness (see the thread on TSB 10-02-06).


It actually began with the TorqueShift (5R110) trans and we can see it growing and (apologies to Calvin and Hobbes) transmogrifying before our very eyes.


The TS could identify nonviable friction components or selections and then simply avoid using those ratios. Thus is born "self preservation mode". The machine is trying to save it's ass...


Along comes the 6.4..... for many failures, it enters "self preservation mode"... Oh, yeah... there's the wiener that will visit NADP (that used to be Northern Alberta Dairy Products when I was a kid) and come away with a DPF delete .... but you are going to have a fuck of a time trying to correlate a base engine failure to removing an aftertreatment. Anyway.... the 6.4 has this rudimentary failsafe mode and I think we will see this carried even further with the 6.7...


Getting back to the TSB, we can pretty well bet that the EcoBoost will try to save it's own ass real hard... until the wieners do the tune thing.


Lately, IDS has been reporting aftermarket calibration levels. On the screen where you are to verify if IDS has identified the vehicle correctly, you might see "49 States", you might see "California Emissions" or you might see "Aftermarket".


Bob Dylan once crooned "The times they are a-changin'....".


Shit... now I'm going to have to go listen to a bunch of 60s and 70s music.

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Ford came back today and said "FSE decision stands - warranty denied due to lack of maintenance" they failed to properly maintain the cooling system (kept adding green stuff 'til it quit running) - horizontal cooler completely gone out of it - bent cylinder 8 connecting rod - trucks going outside and they can figure it out from there!

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