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05 Escape p0193

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Got an 09 escape with 3.0, check engine lite on. eec test p0193 frp sensor ckt. high input. Oasis shows no ssms or tsb's. The sensor v pid reads good and no stalling or power issues noted. I tap on the sensor with a screw driver and the pid voltage will spike and then spiked to the top of the screen.

Any one had to replace these?

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Does it do it KOEO, too?


If it does it with out the fuel pump running, i'd say you got a bad sensor. Being an 09, could you compare it to a lot unit?


How's the pin fit look on the connector?

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When was the last time fuel filter was changed? Had one once with code and would only come back when vehicle driven like you stole and being chased by the police. Figured that out while watching customer drive.

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I can't remember what the DTC was, but I had a few of these on F-Series that would have a code for the FRP sensor, and it was actually a loss of fuel pressure that was the problem The code would set when there was low fuel pressure. One of the vehicles had a brand new FRP sensor and it had crap in the fuel tank. When I looked at the pinpoint test, it was pointing toward the FRP. I will tell you one thing, they aren't accurate. If you put a gauge on the system it will read about 10psi different from the FRP. A hotline engineer told me that this is normal. Like I said, I can't remember what the DTC is that I had so long ago, but just beware.

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P0191 would've been your code. The vac line going into sensor causes engine vacuum referenced bias on the sensor, essentially tricks the pcm into lowering fuel pressure at high vacuum, (similar to a vacuum regulator on a returning system.)If you unhook vacuum hose with guage installed the pressures should match.

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Well so far so good. If the mil came back on i problobly would

have heard bout it by now, the person who drives this vehicle

is particular. Thats true though, I never rely on the frp pid for a fuel pressure reading.

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