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A dangerous preoccupation...

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Jim Warman

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So... there I was with little to do (other than to try and avoid shoveling out a dog run) other than to splash around in that cesspool we like to call "old timing mans" memory (apologies to Cheech and Chong)...


I was actually looking for references about the Chrysler attempts at turbine powered cars I came across this to tantalize the history buffs....


This car is a 1963 concept car (I think Jay Leno currently owns this one) but Chrysler actually began a love affair with turbine cars in the 50s. Surprisingly, they kept experimenting until about 1983ish.


Anyway, while casting about for some of this neat old stuff, I came across some unique cars involving electricity. Back in 1980, Briggs and Stratton became involved in a hybrid car project.... Posted Image


A few mouse clicks later and I was looking at ELiiCA. This electric car boasts 640 HP and a top speed of 230 mph...

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