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diesel certification

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I am in the process of becoming diesel certified.Can someone give me a summary of what courses are involed and if there is a quicker route.I am not sure if I am on the right track.My

dealer is new and really knows less than I do about the process it seems.We are running on a 1 year waiver at the moment for certifications.I have been able to fix all the diesels I have been given so far but would really like to get this certification.No one else in the shop wants any part of diesel certification.Maybee i'm the only idiot in the shop but I would just as soon work on a diesel as anything.Thanks for any input.

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First, welcome to the site, hope we can be of some help. As far as diesel certification goes, you will need to work with your Ford REP and even your FSE to advise you of what courses need to be completed. You need to work with them and your service manager to build a training planner on STARS-2. You will probably need to complete some basic electrical, engine performance and engine repair courses. There are a lot of web based courses you will need to complete before you are eligible for any of the classroom courses. You can find some of them listed on the DTS Main page. You can do those at home as time permits. As you meet the pre-requisite requirements for any classroom course take my advice. Enroll in the class even if it is currently not running which means that you will be put on a waiting list. Ford will not open a classroom until they have at least 10 students waiting! I think you might also need to be EEC certified.


We are always here to help. I am sure that one of our instructor friends can expand on this.


Good luck! Posted Image

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