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Cracked Air Filter Covers

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My freind was cranking the hell out of his van when it backfired and popped through the air filter covers cracking them. It was 5 qts low. Posted Image I kept telling him to check the oil level.

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ahh, brings back memories! something about how long the tech was pulling exploded plastic out of the engine cover after an either explosion. Hey MB, had a 7.3 about 8 years ago that had a cracked intake valve spring. Same senerio. Blew the intake bafold up in pieces. That one definitely didn't have any either used in it.

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I've seen quite a few blown up air cleaners due to ether. Most of which have come from Superiors techs not realizing that there is a intake heater in the system. A couple of 5.9 Cummins too. Needless to say ether has been banned from our garage.

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Though guys at work use it to get units in the shop, usually 6.0 with starting issues, i prefer the forklift. This guy was trying to start his own van.

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I set my hair on fire once trying to start an old continental, big fireball shot out of the carburetor and landed on my hair. Thats actually the last time i used ether.

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  Keith Browning said:

I'd be willing to bet that we all have set at least one filter on fire or blown apart a housing at least once in our careers. Posted Image

Had a fireball once....My sbc 406 timing a few degree's retarded and back burp thru the carb....Mustache and eyebrows went up in flames real quick....Won't ever make that mistake again....Smelled it for days......

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Intake backfires happen for a reason.... SOME reason...


An intake valve doesn't close... an exhaust valve doesn't open... spark timing (gas)... lean mixture (gas)... fuel stand-off (that should get some of you youngsters looking) can be factor...


Gas engines converted to run on barbeque fuel will often backfire into the intake if you have to "pedal" them while cranking - and now I have to add the disclaimer throttle cable engines.


Rule #1.... never look down the intake of a rotating engine. Never.... not ever.... no, not even now....

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  Keith Browning said:

How 'bout now? Posted Image

Never... not ever....


I wear a bump cap (a bump cap with "JIMBO" on it... thank you Keith) simply because I need to set a good example.


In 40 years, I have never felt the need to look down the intake of a running engine... (You may have noticed that I have both moustache and eyebrows). In nearly 60 years, I have resisted the urge to stick a bobby pin in an electrical outlet and I have managed to avoid pointing a gun at a cop. This is that elusive, uncommon "common sense". Common sense being some innate ability to decide what is a good idea and what isn't a good idea...


There are many things that we "CAN" do but "SHOULDN'T". Sadly, some guys have to lose hair to find that out.


All I can do is shake my head...


The world is in a sorry state of affairs <BECAUSE> of us... not <IN SPITE> of us.


I'm getting old.... stupidity can prevent that.

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I was told by the hotline one time that using Motorcraft spray silicone instead of ether is safe. I use it quite a bit and it works great. They said they didn't know if other brands work so I tried and haven't found any other brands that will work.

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In a case like that, I would wonder about the propellant used in the Motorcraft branded stuff... "Safe" would be a matter for conjecture. And hydrocarbons might be cause for an ecological discussion.


Having hotline tell you to spray shit in the intake is priceless... My experience shows that they wont say anything that might have "backlash". I imagine someone got their pee-pee whacked for that one.

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The only term I have ever heard them use related to this topic is "alternate fuel source" which I have used on one or two repair orders. My experience has been that the 6.0L does not like either above and beyond the dangers of using it in the first place. They don't seem to roll over and don't want to crank. Seems like less violent propellants work better. We found that CRC MAF sensor cleaner works very well too. You don't get any violent noises and the engine picks up speed relatively slow. Not sayin it's "safe" or anything.

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