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which SCT to buy

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I am in the market for a tuner for my truck. I have read here that the most popular one for our trucks is mad my SCT. I have gone to there web site and was overwhelmed, by more than one products for the 6.0L. Now can anyone describe me the benefits and draw backs on any of these different products. [color:#CC0000]Livewire, SF3, X3, xcalibrator2 or the touch screen extreme.[/color]Anyone with some knowledge in re guards to the differences would help a lot.

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I wont belabour any points.. My personal view is that we, as professional techs, are the keepers of the public trust... It has become part of our duty to consider the legality of defeating or bypassing emissions controls on our vehicles.


I pass no judgement and am simply stating an opinion.

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I too am with everybody on this subject. The only way you should need a tuner for you pick-up is if it has become a drag racing/sled pulling/mud runner full time. Even than the ecsessive smoke and NOx spuing out the tail pipe is not good for any of us. Just my opinion, no disrespect intended.

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I know you are a new member to this forum and we encourage you to hang around a bit and get the feel for what we do here. We're all about helping each other do OEM level repairs and proper diagnostics to get the truck back on the road quickly and efficiently. You'll find (obviously) the majority of us are not "tuners" and have no interest in modifying trucks for performance applications. I suggest you visit some of the public forums for more input to fill your performance needs. If you stick around here, you'll see we are all about helping each other on a daily basis to "get the job done".


Good luck in your venture,


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The latest calibration for the 6.0 is great.


I just did out shop truck in the fall (early-build 03 with an ass-load of miles on it) and it runs like a raped ape.

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you guys have peaked my interest on the the new ford calibration for 6.0. . . . My personal pick-up still has the rattle flash in it, with no complaints mind you it starts great and runs well. I see no need to update the calibration. What have they changed in the new flash, what is it supposed to fix?

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No shit, I've had it fix dead misfires with injector circuit codes.


The injectors rattle slow at first, then gradually speed up...it almsot sounds like a truck with a fucked FICM.


Pretty much every truck will start awesome after the reflash, assuming the FICM is good and the injectors aren't TOO hammered up.

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My truck is running great and starts well, dont really want to screw with it. I am getting about 16 mpg empty and 13 loaded. The only change I would make is that it seems to be a bit doggy off the line. If you have to make a fast acceleration from a stop, you better make sure you have some time. It might have something to do with the 6 spd manual and 3.73 gears, or that the other 6.0s I have driven to compare it to are all autos. Also it is a 3/4 ton 4x4 pick-up, it is not going to haul ass like my 66 mustang. I will definitely keep in mind that the new flash file may fix those type of concerns. Man I really wish I had access to the information you guys do. Thanks for the heads up on the new file Aaron.

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  dieseldoc said:

My truck is running great and starts well, dont really want to screw with it. I am getting about 16 mpg empty and 13 loaded. The only change I would make is that it seems to be a bit doggy off the line. If you have to make a fast acceleration from a stop, you better make sure you have some time. It might have something to do with the 6 spd manual and 3.73 gears, or that the other 6.0s I have driven to compare it to are all autos. Also it is a 3/4 ton 4x4 pick-up, it is not going to haul ass like my 66 mustang. I will definitely keep in mind that the new flash file may fix those type of concerns. Man I really wish I had access to the information you guys do. Thanks for the heads up on the new file Aaron.

Okay, so it's not just me. I've had SEVERAL 6.0L trucks for weekend road tests. The majority of them were autos, and maybe three or four that I recall were manuals. I always thought that the manual versions SHOULD be peppier, but I've actually felt the opposite. It seems like all the manual trucks had for weekends actually felt quite sluggish off the line when compared to the auto trucks. Could this be due to the extremely low gearing of 1st and 2nd gears perhaps?
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Is my memory flawed? Or does anyone else recall the tire smokin' bottom end these engines had back when pilot injection was the flavour of the day?


I'm in a position where I can lose touch with some diesel stuff... but I notice one TSB dealing with FICM concerns MIA.

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I think the std trucks lack the advantages of a torque converter, especially in the low end, pull away from stop etc. I find if you use low gear, and get them wound up right away they are ok. Try the newest flash, seems alot peppier than normal, maybe just had a run of good running trucks, I dont know.

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I think it has a lot to do with the gear ratios of the transmision. I have however noticed that the manual trucks seem to have less trouble with head gaskets and egr coolers. . . . . . maybe that is just because there are fewer manual trans trucks out there.

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