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Removing RH adaptor pipe without pulling trans?

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This is the ticket..Thanks for the tip!!!


words of caution. pop the trans to cooler lines off the frame, just the little clippy deal. no need to remove them. I also loosed the radiator clamps to avoid tension on the upper hose. other then that all went well

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  • 2 months later...

Been doing that for years on reg. and extended cab 6L when the up-pipes went on those too. You can just slide it around the turbo on the driver's side. And was faster that pulling the turbo. Especially when it was an 03/04 with the first design pedistal.


Never though to do it on the 6.4L though. Good tip. Thanks.

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  Mekanik said:

What about the three up-pipe to turbo bolts? Are they removed after the body is raised?


I'll answer my own question: After the body was raised and the downpipe almost fell out of the truck, I had plenty of room to get to the three up-pipe to turbo bolts. Removing the rounded off bolt was easy too.


That was a GREAT shortcut!!! Posted Image

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  • 1 month later...

well guess who finally gets to do one. i checked the truck out today and ordered parts for monday. it actually came in for the reprogram recall(IDS locked me out btw)


this one is a 350 cab and chassis with a huge salt spreader. both sides have 2 broken manifold studs and the rh up-pipe flex is split. this thing squeals so bad you can't hear yourself think in the cab


so 2 manifolds and an uppipe. never done either one, i have a feeling i'm in for a surprise

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you so much for the tip Tom. Finally did one your way and it was a piece of cake. I've done a few turbos in cab before and I can see where raising the front of the cab will make this alot easier also.

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  • 1 month later...

just an fyi you can pull all 4 cab bolts on the right side and tilt the cab up from the side and disconnect less shit.


motors will also come out the front with a cab tilted back. you can pull them complete with the fan on.

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We must be very lucky here, or extremely blessed. Since the 6.4 came out I have changed maybe 5 up-pipes, 2 of those on the same vehicle.

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I finally found a reason to try this job. The truck had a pretty rotten looking PTO. It worked well (enough). I still don't think I would do it again unless I run in to another reason the transmission would be difficult to remove.

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  • 3 months later...

Our general tech got to do his first right side up pipe yesterday. He is quick at pulling trannies, had it running leak free in just over 5 hours. I think he should get them all now.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sweet idea. Worked slick.


BTW..if you get one that has the exhaust manifold threads damaged enough that the studs pull out when torquing the nuts, use a W302649 bolt. They are long enough to go past the damaged threads and grab the remaining good threads at the back of the hole.

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