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no base oil pressure

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I have a 6.0l that is not making base oil pressure.I checked the regulator and it had a ton load of tension when i took it out so i assumed it had stuck open.I cleaned it up and cleaned the bore and it went back in normal but it still does not pump any oil to filter housing as if it isn't priming.Any ideas before I go deeper?

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I'd pull the regulator again to see if it stuck again. I had one that I didn't get all the pieces of metal out and it stuck again right away. If it's not stuck open again what went through the regulator probably went through the pump and ruined it.

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For the amount of work it takes, you might wanna knock the LPOP cover off and take a look in there, and maybe take some measurements.


When you put it back together if everything measures up okay, put a little bit of vaseline in there to maybe help it prime a little?

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Found issue and vehicle is under repair.Low pressure pump was eat up.Looked like half a wire circlip went through it from the impression it left in pump gear.Could not figure out where clip came from until I thought about it for a while.HPOP fitting blew apart and half of the circlip inside the fitting got sucked into oil pump.

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  Brad Clayton said:

Ya got yourself lots a Vaseline hangin' round ya bay there do ya?

The sheet says "DIESEL SPECIALTY TECHNICIAN"....doesn't it?

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