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Dealer Service Reps

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I brought my own personal 02 f-350 in to the local dealer for the cam sensor recall and the cruise/brake switch recall. I get it back and find that the tech cut a large hole in the right inner fender to r&r the cam sensor. You can clearly see the paint line from the missing plastic from the recently painted frame, and the fresh cut black plastic of the fender skirt with insulation dangling in the wind. So I return to the dealer and talk to the sm. He gets the tech who denies the hacking. They tell me to bad it wasn't them, good bye. They wouldn't give me the reps phone number, so if anyone has a list of reps phone numbers I would appreciate it. The dealer is in northwest Connecticut.

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I know that the reps and FSE's do not want the dealers giving out their telephone numbers or e-mail addresses which I agree with as there is a procedure for these things. Also, once that information gets out it will get abused.


With that said, you can call the Ford Customer Relations number at 800-392-3673 and start making a big stink.


I am trying to visualize what they did to your truck and why. The CMP sensor is quite easy to access from under the truck.

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Someone would be getting me a fucking inner fender!


Kinda like the 08 harley truck I worked on with the HOLE CUT IN THE FLOOR to access the EGR cooler bolts?

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The tech is about 300lbs, there was no way he was easily fitting under the push bar for the plow frame. I'll snap a few pics later.

Thanks for the phone number Keith.

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Yeah they have hoist. What does the cam sensor recall pay for time?



This is why I don't even bother bringing the trucks into the shop for that recall. I just usually help myself to the part and tell the parts guy the RO number, run out to the truck with a 10mm wrench and prybar in hand and then it's all good.

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0.3 if it's needin replacement.


0.2 if it's grey -- but if they are hacking the fender up, they aren't lookin' at the fuckin thing first, anyhow.

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How in the fuck would they access it from the fender liner anyway? This just doesn't make any sense. Similar to Mike, I just use a quarter inch ratchet and a 10mm socket along with a pry bar and look up from underneath the front of the engine.


If this guy is 300lbs, he would have had to cut a big ass gouge out of the fender liner to fit his fat ass arms through cut out of the fender liner.

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With the hole in the fender, the access is wide open, very easy to get to. I can walk up to the truck, reach in and unplug the sensor. Talked to my buddy a Matco tool guy that takes care of that shop. He spewed all types of crap about the guy that did the job. He has only been there 3 weeks and has had several issues/complaints. Apparently he replaced a tie rod end on a taurus, wrote up that he performed an alignment that he never actually did, then billed the customer for doing the alignment. scumbag!

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To bad there isn't something a little more compelling than anecdotal "evidence"... This guy isn't a scumbag... he is a criminal... And, by letting him get away with this sort of thing, some of his workmates may be complicit... (read that as 'just as guilty' by being accomplicies).


Bad men profit when good men remain silent... and Joe Public will just say "All you mechanics are bunch of thieves, anyway".


"scuse me... now I gotta go have a hissy-fit.

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