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Crack in oil pan

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I had a truck today that was brought in for leaking oil and customer stated oil pan is cracked. I find the glow plug grommets blown out and let the customer know he needs to leave it for major engine repairs. I didn't really look very hard at the oil pan since there is oil running down the side of the engine but the customer insists the oil pan is cracked also. He comes back and shows me what he saw and sure enough there looks like there is a crack in the oil pan just in front of the drain plug. It looks like a stress crack but may just be crack in the paint/liner that is holding oil. It wasn't dripping oil but when you apply pressure oil seeps out. I didn't have time to clean the area and recheck it for oil leaks. The customer wanted to take the truck and bring it back next week to leave it for the engine repair. I have never seen this and there are no witness marks from impact, the pan doesn't look bent, and corrosion isn't a factor in our area. Has anybody else seen this or something similar? The customer said he had another truck that had a crack in the same place also that was leaking oil--that struck me as very odd. The truck has about 175,000 miles and had a shortbock installed at another dealer about 30,000 miles ago, and he has a 200,000 mile diesel care warranty. Any ideas are appreciated and I'll probably have the oil pan off when fixing whatever is really wrong with this engine.

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I've seen it on remans, too... Ground the paint off the old pan after the repair and found a crack filled with JB Weld, sanded smooth and then painted. The crack probably spread and cracked the JB, and the oil worked it's way through the paint.

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The customer never came back so I guess he's someone else problem. I'll just have to check OASIS in a couple of weeks to see what was replaced. I'm just not sure why the oil pan would crack to begin with, another unsolved mystery. Thanks guys.

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