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No more BS Ford diesels for me.

I took a job postion at Land Rover.

I've beed a Ford tech for 23+ years and only at two dealerships.


I've had enough of Ford's diesels. Pulling cabs etc is not my cup of tea.


Anyway. Y'all have fun.

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The 6.0s and the 6.4s really left me bitter.

You give 100% to the repair and honestly think you've repaired the vehicle, only to have it come back with a different problem.

There have been too many times where I put an injector in a van, only to have another one go out on a road test. And, it don't pay to another one in!


Being certified at the dealership ment you get all the crap work, while the noncertified guys are doing all the gravy work. Used to be that the gravy work would sustain you while you tackled all the "tough" jobs.


I'll get off my soap box.

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Wish you good luck at LR. At least a lot of their issues are out of warranty! And their customers usually spend money. They are a REAL odd bunch though.


Get ready to do lots of head gaskets and blocks on the old motors and lots of coolant leaks and oil leaks on the BMW engines. Oh yeah, I forgot about the Jag V8s with their sludge and timing chain issues.

Don't even go anywhere with their little V6 nightmare.


You may think the diesels were easier to work on. Posted Image

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Best of luck to you.

Be sure to let Ford/Stars know you are no longer working at your dealer and have left the system. Believe me when I say there are quite a few "ghost techs" kept on the books for certifications sake.

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  DamageINC said:

Originally Posted By: G. Bedford
Believe me when I say there are quite a few "ghost techs" kept on the books for certifications sake.

I know for a fact I'm one of them, lol.



Ohhhhhh..... the volumes that could be written there.

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  Aaron said:

Isn't that fraud, on a much larger level, since the identification used in these cases is your Social Security Number?

About 15 years ago we "technicians" realized that our SSN's were being used as our tech numbers and were being printed on invoices. This practice was immediately halted as a lawsuit could... you know. We now only use the last four digits of our SSN for employee numbers and I am thinking that even there we should reconsider the use of that.

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I'm not such an "analist" about my SIN number... perhaps I should be but I can tell you a tale of woe that has less to do with ones SIN... and everything to do with being an "illegal alien" in your own country....


Here in Canada, my SIN ends in 555 - to be precise, my sin is xxx-xx8-555 - My "official" Ford number was 8555. My "new" Ford number is 555... Whoopee fucking shit....


FWIW... if someone steals your identity, it isn't because you "allowed" it to happen... it is because they set out to steal your identity.


(Side bar... how many times do you see something that isn't "right"? How many tiomes do you "blow the whistle"? - if you aren't part of the solution, you are obviously part of the problem).


I am having a LOT of concern with the Canadian governemt... I have my SIN and give it when requested.... What I do NOT have is anything (other than my income tax shit) with that number printed on it and it ain't worth squat to me... I can't get a new SIN card.... I can't get a passport.... I've been paying taxes since 1966... I've been married to a Canadian gal since 1973.... I have my SIN (along with a bunch of proprietary information) and I cannot do FUCK ALL WITH IT!!!!! Why are you dorks so fucking worried about something that is this fucking useless?


Anyone want the whole sordid fucking story?


FWIW.... Ruby Dhalla is a member of parliament... She is a Liberal and represents the riding of Brampton/Springfield. She is pushing Bill C-428. The scoop? She wants to pay Old age pension to people that have lived here for only 3 THREE THREE fucking years.


Aaron.. some of you other Canucks.. you want to be pissed? Now is the time....

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Having a good boroscope helps when checking for coolant leaks on the 4.6l in the rovers. I had on that was tricky, it had a small but steady stream of coolant trickling down the bellhousing. I found it leaking from the back seal of the pipe that goes front to rear.

I never touched or saw the new style v6 but i heard gm makes it.

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