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6.7L Oil Drain Plugs

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Did my first oil change on a 6.7L today. Yes I did. Got some oil on me too. If you haven't had the pleasure yet I feel the need to warn you that the combination of the thinner oil and the wide opening allows the oil to exit the pan at a high rate. Not only that, the shape of the drain plug causes the oil to spray at first. Right at you!


Put your oil drains up high stand back and remove the pug quickly... since the plug requires a 3/8" ratchet and extension my next attempt at draining the oil will be done with a long extension. Posted Image

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  GregKneupper said:

I have not had the pleasure of changing oil in a 6.7 yet but the lube guys were complaining about that very thing just the other day.

Customers are taking these things to quickie lube rip-off places already??? Posted Image
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Yep! One of them Fumoto valves would be an improvement here. It's not that the plug design is bad, it is that it flows too much oil. I suppose that once you deal with this a couple of times you can develop a technique.

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  AlexBruene said:

1.0... Just like all other diesel oil changes.

That's what we get for a diesel oil change. I'm talking about what you charge to refill the DEF over and above the oil change.
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  Keith Browning said:

Did my first oil change on a 6.7L today. Yes I did. Got some oil on me too. If you haven't had the pleasure yet I feel the need to warn you that the combination of the thinner oil and the wide opening allows the oil to exit the pan at a high rate. Not only that, the shape of the drain plug causes the oil to spray at first. Right at you!

Just did my first one today. Notice the length of extension used in the photos below:

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Originally Posted By: Keith Browning
Put your oil drains up high stand back and remove the pug quickly... since the plug requires a 3/8" ratchet and extension my next attempt at draining the oil will be done with a long extension. Posted Image
You're not kidding Keith.


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  mchan68 said:

Originally Posted By: AlexBruene
1.0... Just like all other diesel oil changes.
That's what we get for a diesel oil change. I'm talking about what you charge to refill the DEF over and above the oil change.

Nothing extra. 1 hour is more than sufficient.

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Well, the first one I did an oil change on, the owner came back and complained of a tapping noise "ever since you did the oil change". If I understand correctly, this engine takes 13 quarts of 10W30 engine oil and an FL-2051 oil filter. I've been putting in 10W30 in all 6.0L, 6.4L and now this 6.7L for all diesel LOFs. The only engine I will put in 15W40 on is a 7.3L in the summer time. I printed off the SSM# to give to the customer about this noise being normal, but he didn't seem to be too happy a camper about it. The noise appeared to be coming from the rear of the engine, like a random valvetrain type noise. Anyone else come across this?

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Yes I did, on a new truck and I made recordings of it. This is the typewriter noise that we may have discussed here. Ford knew about this long before the engine went into production as I heard it. Supposedly it will go away. I have not heard from the owner of the truck we sold that was doing it so...

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Page 42 of the 2011 diesel owners supplement... 4th printing is the one I accessed.


For oil viscosity index, there is really nothing written in stone... API classification is a whole 'nother ball game. FWIW, the diesel owners supplement suggests when to use 15W40, 5W40 and 0W30/0W40 in addition to the factory fill of 10W30. (0W30/0W40 might be an eye-opener for some).


I hate to keep on harping on a subject (well... that might not be totally accurate) but we do need to consider what the engineers decree and what we tell customers....


"Ah hates tuh go tuh them stealerships"....

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Yes indeed.... but the people with cash in hand and the people that have already spent the cash expect US (us being the stealership techs) to be slightly more with the flow than aftermarket techs.... these being the techs that will spend an hour or so ripping the filter out of a NAPA cap in order to install a Ford filter in it's place...


Say what? Adam didn't mention that yet? Gosh.


If a customer comes in asking how to switch his EATC display from Celsius to Fahrenheit... how does he reset his oil change minder (seeing as we forgot to when we serviced it this Ayem)or why does his motor continue to crank even after he lets go of the key... All of these are those basic things that we should be able to answer "on the fly".


If a customer asks about what oil viscosity he can run.... we can say "ABBA, ABBA, ABBA... read the cap" and leave it at that.... later, after he reads his manual (IF that ever happens) he will say "That stealership tech is a fucking idiot... Thank God I can go to Cambodian Tire...".


We need to blind them with brilliance.... not baffle them with bullshit.

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  Jim Warman said:

We need to blind them with brilliance.... not baffle them with bullshit.

I hear you LOUD and CLEAR Jimbo. But what happens, when you have a service advisor (and a damn nosy one at that), that always likes to get into the middle of the conversation and baffle the customer with bullshit? How you politely explain that to the customer? What is the most appropriate manner in which to handle an embarrassing situation like that? The advisor I speak of, was extremely rude to the customer and to me on this one occasion, so much so that when she walked away, the customer and tow truck driver both looked at me in amazement and asked me, "How is it, that THAT woman is still alive?".
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