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Being Prepared

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I was reading a post over at the Monkey House about showing up at the dealer for their first service and the dealer didn't have a filter. Are you kidding me? Do you mean to tell me that there are places where NOBODY sees a new model coming and doesn't prepare their parts and service departments for them? This particular customer traveled 60 miles for his appointment.


At the time of the 2011 Super Duty launch I spent about 10 minutes going through the service materials and made a list of of fluids and filters we would need for the new models. A lot of stuff we already had on hand. I handed the list to one of my counter men and the parts department took care of it. How hard is that to accomplish?


And we wonder why "dealerships" have the reputation they do. Posted Image

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Our parts dept got a list sent before the launch, of reccomended stock to prepare for launch. Had the oil and fuel and air filter part #s, some fluids, def, glow plugs and a few other hard parts on it. Not sure if they fallowed the advice and did anything. We still never have an FT 180 in stock to do a new style torque shift (in pan) filter, always (4 times now) have to rebook customers to "finish" the job another day. Embarrasing, in my opinion.


Oh yeah, we ran out of premium gold coolant yesterday too. WTF?

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I made sure to give our parts manager a list of new parts required right after doing the online 6.7 course. I guess it's a matter of the right hand telling the left hand what's going on and sharing important information. Around here I am the guy to do that as I hate looking like an idiot in front of customers because someone dropped the ball. Posted Image

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On FMC Dealer there is a function called New Model Stocking Guide. I check this every month or so, to see what's new and different. It helps avoid some of the problems told here(not that I am perfect-I run out of things or am not prepared sometimes, too). But sometimes our Motorcraft supplier isn't even ready for the new part numbers-we had 6.7 fuel filters on order for TWO MONTHS before we could stock them.

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Ha, It just gets better and better. Today i had to do a porous trans housing replacement on a brand new RCMP crown vic, that has been sitting since july 30th, waiting for parts, and time to do the job once parts arrived. Get it all buttoned up, go out to get a case of Mercon LV. Oh shit, we only have 6l in stock. WTF?? 6l of LV. Oh but we did a Torque shift trans service this AM. So we only carry 15 litres? Holy fuk was i mad this afternoon. Anyone in Western Canada hiring? I've just about had it with this........

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cbriggs.....u can have my job here in east central alberta, but frist i should warn u that u probably would have to put up with the same crap and be perpared to do all the warranty work while the the other couple guys are doing the retail balljoints, brake and all the other retail work that comes in the shop

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I to am all for customer satisfaction and service but... Why is it that we as technicians are responsible for what the parts dept stocks?(I know the answer, I'm just saying) Have you ever had a parts person diag. a concern for you? Or give you training info on a new engine? I just felt like saying this out loud to people that understand. Or am I crazy? Wait dont answer that.

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Below is a quote worth highlighting. Ford does make efforts to make information available to us. If we chose not to access and utilize it then there is no hope.


  partsmanBB said:

On FMC Dealer there is a function called New Model Stocking Guide. I check this every month or so, to see what's new and different. It helps avoid some of the problems told here(not that I am perfect-I run out of things or am not prepared sometimes, too). But sometimes our Motorcraft supplier isn't even ready for the new part numbers-we had 6.7 fuel filters on order for TWO MONTHS before we could stock them.


The same can be said for techs and sales personnel. I am guilty of not regularly reading the Technician Hot-sheets or OASIS Broadcast Messages or even the messages on the front page of FMC Dealer. It all comes down to the individual to make the effort to be the best they can be and utilize all of the resources made available to them. I will however take a little credit for taking a few minutes to look up and jot down the common items we needed to have on hand for these new trucks and share it with my parts countermen. Teamwork is another part of the equation. The last component that you simply need to give a shit. Posted Image

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The keyword is "teamwork"... if somebody else drops the ball (any ball) then it is NOT the time for anyone to stand back with crossed arms, tapping the foot with that big shit eating grin thinking "boy, that guy's a dismal turd". Teamwork is somebody else picking the ball up and trying for a goal anyway.


A parts department may not even realize that sales is flogging 6.7s.... a simple "We PDI'd some 6.7's last week... do we have filters and stuff for them yet?" kinda statement should be enough to joggle most parts departments.


The whole deal isn't about any one of us... it's all about the customer. If his experience wasn't a good one, it isn't time to feel smug and point fingers - its time to fix something.

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I agree Jim, and well said. Our dealer, which consists of 11 employees (all departments combined) has a serious comunication problem, and it all starts at the top. Our general manager actually refused to have staff meetings, and wont come 20 feet down the building to talk to the service manager, he prefers to email her ? This in turn is causing animosity between all 3 departments, and none will (or know how to?) comunicate properly to make anyones life easier.

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