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Dealer Communication August 23 2010

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August 23, 2010

To: All Ford and Lincoln Mercury Dealers
Subject: Change to Service Part Number for Exhaust Mounted EGT Sensor and Clarification of
Warranty Coverage

The purpose of this communication is to inform all dealers of the service part number change for the diesel engine exhaust mounted Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Sensor and explain the warranty coverage for this part.

Base part number 12B591 is identified as the engine mounted EGT Sensor; the same base part number was also used for the exhaust mounted EGT Sensor. Since the exhaust mounted EGT sensor is not covered under the Diesel Engine Warranty (5/100), it is necessary to re-issue the exhaust mounted EGT sensor with a different base number (new base number will be 5J213).

This part number change will affect the following engines:

6.4L Diesel – 2008 & 2010 MY
6.7L Diesel – 2011 & newer MY
4.5L Diesel – 2008 & 2009 MY
The following summarizes the warranty coverage as it applies to these two parts.

Base number 12B591 (engine mounted EGT sensor) coverage has not changed:
Bumper-to-Bumper – 3 years or 36,000 miles
Diesel Engine Warranty – 5 years or 100,000 miles
Emissions Warranty (Diesel engine) varies – please refer to the 2010 Parts Coverage Directory for complete coverage details
New base number 5J213 (exhaust mounted EGT sensor) coverage as follows:
Bumper-to-Bumper – 3 years or 36,000 miles
Emissions Warranty (Diesel engine)
2008 – 2011 Light Trucks (6.4L & 6.7L) w/GVW Less Than 14,000 lbs:
Federal coverage - 5 years or 50,000 miles
2008 – 2011 Light Trucks (6.4L & 6.7L) w/GVW Greater Than 14,000 lbs:
Federal coverage – 5 years or 50,000 miles
California coverage – 5 years or 100,000 miles
2008 LCF (4.5L):
Federal & California coverage – 5 years or 100,000 miles
2009 LCF (4.5L):
Federal coverage – 5 years or 50,000 miles
California coverage – 5 years or 100,000 miles

The new service part (5J213) should begin to be available in early September. The parts ordering catalog will be updated to reflect the new service numbers for the exhaust mounted EGT Sensors.

Please advise your technicians and parts department, the engineering base number stamped on the EXHAUST MOUNTED EGT Sensor is 12B591, but the service base part number in the parts ordering catalog is 5J213. Engineering and Service base numbers are frequently different - the service base number should always be used to determine warranty coverage.

NOTE: The part numbers for the engine mounted EGT Sensors are not affected.

This coverage will reflect automatically in the Parts Coverage tool on OASIS. The change will also be updated in the next revision of the Parts Coverage Directory scheduled for January 2011.


Questions related to the Warranty coverage should be directed to the Warranty Assistance Team via Dealers Ask Ford on FMCDealer.
Questions related to parts ordering and availability should be directed to (PACO) Parts Assistance Center On-line.

It's Illegal to "take back" what was said to be under warranty, but if we make up a NEW part number.....nobody will ever know!!!! wahahahaha

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What the hell is the point of doing this, exactly?




Submitting a warranty claim anymore is going to be like being a contestant on the fuckin' gong show... If it gong's, you're DENIED.


Here's the rulebook.


We're gonna make some changes an' shit along the way, so you might as well just shitcan that book, and hope for the best!

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I see the Fuck-up Fairy has visited Ford again. I agree with this change however they should have caught this at the beginning. EGT sensors should be treated like HEGO sensors. If you really want to confuse things even more the engine mounted EGT sensor IS the EGR inlet temperature sensor and therefore "technically" is also an emission component. In that sense then wouldn't ALL EGT sensors be covered under the emissions defect warranty and NOT the diesel engine warranty???


I see that the engine mounted EGT sensor is sometimes covered under the powertrain and sometimes covered under emissions defect depending on calibration/vehicle GVW. Does that alone change the function of this sensor?

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  Keith Browning said:

If you really want to confuse things even more the engine mounted EGT sensor IS the EGR inlet temperature sensor and therefore "technically" is also an emission component. In that sense then wouldn't ALL EGT sensors be covered under the emissions defect warranty and NOT the diesel engine warranty???

SHHHHHHH Don't tell anybody......


That'll be the next message!! Posted Image

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