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Repeat HPOP Failure

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It's a 2003 6.0L that once upon a time got a new pump, IPR and ICP for low power. 10,000 miles later it won't start without help175 PSI ICP cranking. ICP voltage has the look of a bad pump... but not so I am going to look for a leak first as I should... just wondering if anyone has encountered repeat HPOP failures or bad reman pumps - old style.

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Never seen a repeat failure on an early style, but that doesn't mean anything. Did you put a cover on it at the sametime or look to see if the original cover had a relief cutout in it for the discharge tube? Got base oil pressure, I'm sure. I probably would just remove both valve covers and cap the oil supply rail hoses and deadhead to see what you get, first. If she builds plenty of oil, then you can chase after them frustrating leaks.


Note: had one just a month ago that all 8 injectors were leaking profusely. It would run cold then piss so much oil out of them damn things that it would stall and not restart, til cold again. That one ate my lunch.

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I just finished one about two weeks ago (2003 F-550) that got a new pump, discharge tube, eight new injectors and a new IPR valve. But this one was pretty severely neglected. The oil filter was apart in three pieces and the oil black. By the time I got it apart to have a look/see, the top inner o-rings of three out of eight were deteriorated. After the repair with fresh new 10W30, life was good, along with a stern reminder to the owner about the importance of regular oil changes on these trucks.

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Oh, The discharge tube and o-ring were *probably* not replaced at the time the pump was done. This is reinforcement to the idea that we should be replacing all seals and gaskets that we access during repairs. I don't recall what comes with the old style pump.

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  Keith Browning said:

Oh, The discharge tube and o-ring were *probably* not replaced at the time the pump was done. This is reinforcement to the idea that we should be replacing all seals and gaskets that we access during repairs. I don't recall what comes with the old style pump.

-3C3Z-9A543-AARM is the high pressure oil pump for an '03 6.0L


-3C3Z-9T288-AA is the discharge tube


-3C3Z-9G805-AA is the updated cover with the machined groove on the underside to ensure the tube doesn't contact it, with a new IPR valve installed

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Man there must have been some weird star alignment this week for sure. I had the same damn thing happen, but the original HPOP was replaced for a no start. I had about 50 psi ICP.


Ended up having the IPR screen blown out and jammed between the regulator piston and the bore. I air checked it and when I aired it up from the ICP port it was blowing out of the turbo drain as fast as it was going in.


Weird because for the most part whenever I have seen an IPR fail, I get more than 50 psi... I think the last couple I did (now keep in mind these were later models with the aluminum cover and I would assume a different relief path for the oil to bypass the regulator) made over 200 psi. 274 or something. I only remember because it was TWO different trucks, and they made the EXACT same pressure.

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The last 2 04's that i did i did'nt replace the discharge tube o-ring because i droped it and could'nt find it bcus i'm a blind bastard. Good thing when i droped them i did'nt pick the old oring off the discharge tube. All the 04 pumps i replaced had repeat ipr replacements like 6 months later for intermitant crank no start concerns, being the screen separating.

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