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2008 F-250 Flames Out Of Tailpipe

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  Brad Clayton said:

Well, what's the story mornin' glory? You tear this thing down and find all kinds a busted up shit? Photos pleaze.

I am not sure if that was directed at me but I have to admit I have not posted many pictures on the site in the last couple of years. I do have many that our readers would like to see.

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Fast forward us in the WAYBAC machine and things never really got outta hand with this issue did it? Oh, we did have a recall that brought some trucks back today.


Reason for the post:


So I am attending a mid-range engine combination certification training class this week and we got onto the the exhaust aftertreatment part of the course. First, let me say that Cummins is years behind that we have become accustomed to. Second, I showed the instructor and the class the video of the 2008 truck with the exhaust flames coming out of the exhaust. The instructor had only heard of the incident. It was worth a good chuckle from everyone.


The instructor impressed me in that, as amused as e was to see the video, he is mindful and respectful of the fact that manufactureres miss things and make mistakes. Then the topic turned to the recent Navistar news concerning SCR... Whooooops! Mind you, Cmmins has had their fair share of mistakes as well.


Interesting to see things from another perspective.

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