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God, grant me the wisdom....

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So... I'm off to work on this fine Sunday AM to check out a used truck for my son.


Soon to be a Daddy, his Ranger is too small. He earned his BOP ticket this week and that will make him a Driller.


For the uninitiated, a BOP ticket is a certification in the use of drilling rig blow out preventers. As far as certs go, this is the big Kahuna when it comes to moving up the food chain to become a driller (the rough heirarchy is grunt - roughneck <some of you Yanks might call these guys roustabouts> - derrick hand - driller - rig push or tool push.


With this move up the food chain, comes what most see as perks. You take your truck to work (which may or may not be good for the truck) and you get paid by the mile to do it, quite handsomely, I might add. If your truck is a diesel... you can even fuel up using you rig card.


And that is why this post is in the 6.4 forum.


The truck I am to inspect used to belong to his area boss. I have done most of the service work on this truck. It's a 2008, with something over 200,000 kilometers... Yes, that's a lot of clicks in a short time.. and this is part of what makes it an attractive deal (I'm old school and I firmly believe that the biggest killer of a motor is cold starts) The other thing that makes this an attractive deal is the price. Slated for the auction because of it's miles, this truck can be had for cheap (to me, at least).


Soooooooo, aside from brakes, ball joints and such, I will check fuel trims, crankcase level and CAC for fuel concerns. Other than that, I can only assume that this truck (all we have ever had to do is a radiator about a year and a half ago) is one of the good ones.


Oh yes... (Dwayne will have a field day with this statement Posted Image ) I feel that for every truck we see with constant problems, there are 5 with few if any problems.


For mods... I expect, if the kid buys this truck, that we will install something with a reasonable <Economy> program.


Wish me luck.. and God grant me the wisdom to make the right choice.

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If this truck is going to be parked in my boys driveway, we will hit all of the major issues from the git-go. The price I can get this truck for is just far too attractive.


Thanx, Brad

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Considering the mileage and the fact that Jim has seen this truck regularly with no mention of major issues is probably a good sign that this unit is not going to be a problem. I would think that if this truck was going to have serious issues they would have been apparent by now. Dontcha think?

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because its over 160,000 that means he can no longer purchase esp right? even if it is a good deal what if the thing melts down with no warranty?

Weeeeeelll.... dad is a certified (certifiable?) diesel tech. A lot of the problem vanishes right there.


If push comes to shove, "we" can always take a green SuperCrew to work, right? There are times when you just have to shake the dice and then let them go. If it hasn't burned down by now, will it burn down?


Look around you, young sir... Dwayne is proud to not own a 6.0 and Kyle is more than happy to have one.... My kid has me for a Dad (something I wish I had Posted Image ).


Look at it this way - tomorrow morning that little spoke polisher you call a dog could run out the front door. You'd chase after it and get run over by a Deuce disposal truck. There you'd be laying in the street all gibbled up in your DC boxers. It's called "the luck of the draw".


I buy lottery tickets. I buy them because there is a chance I might win... not because there is a chance I might loose.


Gawd.. you make being old more fun!!! Posted Image

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If the price is good enough, who needs warrantee. (especially when your dad is Jim) There are enough of these in the wrecking yards now, you can pick up a low mileage used engine for 4 to 6 grand, the rest of the truck is fairly bulletproof.

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For mods... I expect, if the kid buys this truck, that we will install something with a reasonable <Economy> program.


Wish me luck.. and God grant me the wisdom to make the right choice.

Posted Image OMG! Ya filthy contributor to polluting this world! What was all that preaching about making this world a cleaner healthier place for your grandchildren? I sense a hypocrisy here. LOL. Posted Image Take it easy ole' timer. I'm just pokin some fun.

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Originally Posted By: Jim Warman


For mods... I expect, if the kid buys this truck, that we will install something with a reasonable <Economy> program.


Wish me luck.. and God grant me the wisdom to make the right choice.

Posted Image OMG! Ya filthy contributor to polluting this world! What was all that preaching about making this world a cleaner healthier place for your grandchildren? I sense a hypocrisy here. LOL. Posted Image Take it easy ole' timer. I'm just pokin some fun.

I knew you'd love the piss out of that Posted Image


At least we're keeping it in the family....

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At least we're keeping it in the family....

So that makes it okay? Tell that to your grandchild who has to breathe that crap with his perfect pink lungs. Ahhh what's the difference? The kid will probably be smokin by 14 and sucking on a bong after school. Posted Image









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