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6.7L Diesel Diagnostic Sheets?

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I'd heard they were going to discontinue the diagnostic sheets - which will allow them to pay us less diag time, inturn cutting their repair expenses and increasing our "donation" time!!


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  GregH said:

I understood the diag sheets to be a creation of International. Correct me if I'm wrong..



I believe you are correct on that Greg but I would think Ford would want to continue to use them. I know there are differing opinions concerning them here at the DTS but I for one think they are beneficial in that they are a consistent manner of documenting test results and they provide technicians a diagnostic routine to follow.

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  Keith Browning said:

I think they are beneficial in that they are a consistent manner of documenting test results and they provide technicians a diagnostic routine to follow.

I agree 110%. I promote them strongly in my classes and hand them out at every class I do.


Like the coffee table books, I hope FMC follows suit and writes a similar sheet.


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Well.... a few suggestions and thoughts....


This new breed of diesel is, by my myopic reckoning, bringing a whole new level of self diagnostics... Still no VGT position sensor, but some interesting looking stuff.


Diag sheets? Well, with OASIS Quick Start and interactive diagnostics..... why would we need diag sheets....


And the push towards technician competency...


Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated...


I hope I'm wrong... but I don't see diag sheets coming soon unless the psychoanalysts were wrong... and I do see where "run of the mill" techs will be swallowed up in this new grand scheme of things... leaving the innovative techs to flounder and then pass from the system.


Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean I'm not being followed.

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  DwayneGorniak said:

I think their just being cheap and can't get any damned warranty monkeys they've hired to come up with anything good.


This is the day and age of cut costs at any cost.

Warranty monkeys? What do they have to do with technical publications?

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I think the correlation here is that in an audit situation or any time a claim is reviewed the absence of the diagnostic sheets could mean denial of claims. If I am not mistaken they are required. My dealership was warned on this not too long ago.

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  Keith Browning said:

I think the correlation here is that in an audit situation or any time a claim is reviewed the absence of the diagnostic sheets could mean denial of claims. If I am not mistaken they are required. My dealership was warned on this not too long ago.


This is what I have always been told until I got to the shop I'm at now. They say the diag sheets are just for reference but I still attach them to every RO just in case.

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They have always been a requirement for us too. If they are not on the hardcopy along with other supporting docs we dont get paid. Part of that is our awesome(enter heavy sarcasim!) warranty team too Im sure

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