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Grande Prairie

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Jeff Clyde

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  deezul said:

Has anyone experienced the mining fields of the Northwest Territories? I too am becoming interested in a move. Im still fairly young (24) with nothing holding me down (other than a toolbox that I am not looking forward to move)...People tell me that the Territories are where to go to make the big benjamins but then again most people I talk to are idiots.... Would Alberta be the better choice to look at?

It sucks, the cost of living is atrocious, isolation will drive you insane with the darkness all the time.


If you want to do it, work FOR Diavik or Rio Tinto. You can live in your hometown, they fly you in and out for your rotational work, and that way the money is half decent.


Ask yourself how much it's going to cost to heat a house that leaks heat like a sieve (they all do) on propane every month.


Hay River NT -- Diesel $1.22/L (Nov 2008)


High Level AB -- Diesel $0.87/L (Nov 2008)



Just for starters.


Do you smoke? In 08 cigarettes were $13 a pack.


PM me if you want some more details, or if you're ever in the London ON area, look me up.

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It's good to see you back Aaron! I was wondering what had happened to you...


The N.T. were just another pipe dream of mine in search of how to make more of that elusive coin... I've been doing more research and you pretty much have to be a die hard to live/work there. My expectations compared to the actual reality weren't even close to what was in my mind.


I guess the best bet is just to continue to apply at the power plant. The money is almost the same lol.

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