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'04 F350, need advice

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First time customer drops off his F350 rack body, says get it ready for spring. Mentions "hesitation and low power".


Test drive:

Decent off the line, but flattens between 2000 and 2700, then bam, it pulls HARD to 3500 and stays at good power, actually maybe a little too good, as long as you keep your foot in it.


Oil temp cruising on a 30 degree day is 215, coolant is 180. Beating on it slowly raises oil temp.


Has cylinder 2 contribution codes stored.


I don't have an IDS, would have to borrow to perform all tests, wouldn't be difficult.


I visually see once in shop:


Crapa unitized oil filter, leaking.

Significant coolant trails and wet coolant on degas bottle.

Coolant is a mix of green and gold.


Customer is warned of possible cooler issues amongst others.


He is wants done no matter what:


Oil change w/motorcraft's synthetic 5w40, replace cap and put proper filter in.

Change coolant, got tons of sludge out of drain.

Change atf, both in pan and external filter.

Fuel filters.


Upon pulling filter, it needs a tank (aft axle), the HUGE amount of water I drained and condition of filter is disgusting. Cleaning out the hfcm after the filter is out, I see tank lining in my drain, a lot of it. The upper filter was collapsed as it looks like he didn't know it had 2 filters, it wasn't a Ford filter element and there's fine metallic looking sediment in the bowl.


After completing what he wanted done, what would you recommend. No change in driveability with new fuel filters. Tank, obviously. And what else?

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  Fredsvt said:

First time customer Oil temp 215, coolant 180. I don't have an IDS, what would you recommend.



1. You need as much business advice here as technical advice.


2. If he pays you, you'll be able to afford the IDS you so desperately need.


3. Are you the shop owner or the tech? Your profile shows you to be the tech. Present the list of recommendations to the shop owner and cust and let them figure it out.


If you're the shop owner, proceed very carefully.....


Good Luck!


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You know about the aft axle water TSB, right?

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My bets are this truck needs a significant amount more work than the list you have here. Fuel tank rust and delamination concerns get real expensive, real fast. Since you already show DTC's for cylinder contribution I have a gut feeling the damage has been done. Just a guess (without proper fuel pressure readings and, enhanced power balance tests) fuel tank, fuel pump, filters, fuel pressure regulator and 8 fuel injectors.


The temperature readings are begging a close look at the coolers. The coolant loss from the degas bottle also is of concern. A close look at the turbo may also be prudent... you know where this is going. Most of what this guy wants will probably prove to be incidental.

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I am the tech.


I'm unfortunately used to this bullshit, as far as being undertooled. I've told them repeatedly that I don't want to work on any 6.0 engines without an IDS, but I did what I was told.


I'd buy an IDS in a heartbeat if I felt I could get return on investment for myself, same goes for two other factory scan tools I want. 6.0s can be a very good money maker too. But, I refuse as the shop owner is well... nevermind..


I presented what I found to the owner of the shop, and he kept the owner of the fine piece of engineering abreast of things.


The truck's owner wanted the tank, and tank only, and doesn't want to dive into the already messed up motor. Yet. Or so he says. I'm figuring he'll be all pissed when it blows up in the spring, when he really needs it.

The tank had little rust, but a lot of delamination. The rust found in the hfcm filter was probably a result of the truck's twit owner not realizing the truck had 2 fuel filters at 84k.


I figured the turbo would have to come apart should he decide that he wanted to do the coolers. I don't see it lasting long at this point.


It runs only on 7 on cold start (fires near instantly), and hammers something awful until it warms. Very little smoke. It picks up those two about three minutes after a cold start at 15 degrees.


So it sits until I get the vent relocation "kit" on Monday, at least it shouldn't come back with a rusted tank. Like that matters at this point.


Thanks for all of your advice. I wish the shop owner would LISTEN to some of it too.

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  Keith Browning said:

Originally Posted By: Jim Warman
Working on a PSD without an IDS is a lot like trying to make pancakes in a toaster....

You do know they make frozen pancakes right? Posted Image

Frozen pancakes? Is this something like canned asparagus?


FWIW, I know that they do indeed make frozen 'pancake shaped objects'.... whether one would truly want to call them pancakes or not depends on the sophisticaton of ones palate....


Being an old guy, my mother (and my wife as well) would pour a scoop of batter onto a properly preheated skillet - rendering a delightful little confection known as a pancake, flapjack or crepe, as the case may be. Younger people watch their loved ones risk paper cuts as they open and dispense frozen abominations prepared in far away places by absolute strangers.


"Make pancakes" is much different than "heating up old pancakes"....


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Not wanting to change the subject (but brazenly doing it anyway), on the few occasions that I do subject myself to the mind pap of network television.... It never ceases to amaze me at the parade of "heat and serve" "just like Mum used to make" stuff being advertised and sold.... Turkey dinner in a box? Gimme a break....


What next? "Instant water.... empty contents of pouch into a glass..... add 8 oz. boiling water... chill and serve.... makes one serving or two half servings".


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