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Jim Warman

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I wouldn't get too excited Jim, their estimator told me that changing the SPARK plugs in my 2006 F550 with a 6.0L PSD would cost $110.04. Now, if I do it myself it will only cost me $7.84!!!


I'll bet I can beat that if I ask Larry to hook me up with some 6.0L spark plugs.

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My buddy's dad was telling me about this site. I just laughed and rolled my eyes. I love the internet and I love how easy it is to access any kind of information but I already have customers who find every tsb that pertains to their vehicle and insists that their vehicle needs all the tsb's performed (even when they don't apply!). I think this site is just another way of undermining the technician. Who likes it when customers diagnose the issue themselves when they have not a clue in their head (a customer who insists on turbo replacement when the heat shield around it was rattling).


Will this replace the technician? Should you start working at McYaks? Don't see that happening. With all the Joe's out there now wrenching away maybe this will create more business for the shops and technicians. "Errr, I was trying to do my own tune-up on my f150 and broke every plug off, now it's coming in on the hook".



AutoMD uses an "intuitive question tree" diagnostic process for accurate troubleshooting. I wonder if at the end of the flow chart is says "Replace PCM"? Perhaps maybe "Unit is ephed, take to dealership"?


Just my two cents.

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I don't see Auto MD or AOL Autos or any other clone of them replacing technicians or anything else but a lot of parts. Looking through and testing both sites I find them misleading and horribly inaccurate. I have no issue with do it yourselfer's who repair and maintain their own vehicles. They get self satisfaction, save some money and a little assurance that the job is done right... even if it in their mind only. I have no problem with consumers researching products and services to get a fair price, to gain product knowledge and feel more confident with their choice in purchasing a product or a service and repair facility.


I do have a problem with these websites because they do not appear to be providing accurate information to the consumer. They DO appear to be a marketing platform though. A platform to sell advertising and charge prospective dealerships and repair shops, automotive products and tools manufactureres and suppliers a fee to be listed and "recommended."


How many times has a vehicle rolled up to your shop with all kinds of shiny new parts recently bolted onto it? "Didn't fix it huh?" But now the vehicle has already cost the owner a lot of money and time and they are angry. Nothing like getting off to a good start eh? n look at it this way fellas, a website like Auto MD will likely bring cars and trucks to you that the customer fucked up now. But be forewarned, they might argue the repair procedure or the labor after watching those dumbed down videos.

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I recently had an issue like this. A 1999 Grand Marquis (189k miles) comes in. It has a check engine light on with "EGR" codes. He wants the "EGR" fixed.


It gets scanned, and has P0301 to P0305, P0420, P0401 and P0402, and both upstream and downstream DPFE hose off codes. And it runs on a misfire badly and smells like the most pig rich 60s car you could imagine.


Now mind you, after much prodding from the shop owner, we find out he's been on the internet and they said to do this and that, and this is what he did:


New intake manifold, spark plugs, 4 coils, but left 4 1999 boots on the others and holes filled with oil and coolant, used EGR valve, ENTIRE engine back exhaust. 4 O2 sensors, MAF, ECT and CHT. When all that, after 2 MONTHS of work didn't fix it, he brought it to us.


After scanning, I disabled the fuel pump and cranked it, hmmm, cadence sounds like 1 dead hole. Yep, number 1 dead, 25 psi. I pull valve cover to find intake valve follower off, and valve seized in the head.


It did turn into a good job, new motor, new right bank cats (again) as they melted completely out and plugged the muffler and Y pipe, new DPFE and hoses as it melted, and other assorted parts. He in total, spend nearly 6k with us, plus all the money he spent. All the parts he bought, save the exhaust were Ford parts.


To me, what a waste to spend so much on a car that old, and with a rusting body.

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Ahhh yes, "the Internet told me..." We see this in all the forums now don't we. There is a lot of good information, a lot more bad advice and even more people who simply don't know the difference. An opinion IS NOT A DIAGNOSIS. They will toil over problems and get spun up by anyone willing to pull their chain. They will spend unknown amounts of money on opinions and the experiences of keyboard mechanics. All in an effort to avoid seeking the services of trained professionals who know what they are doing and typically end up spending a lot more money than if they had gone down that road to begin with.


I know, I am preaching tho the choir.

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  Keith Browning said:

I don't see Auto MD or AOL Autos or any other clone of them replacing technicians or anything else but a lot of parts.

Whether it is television (Jed and Bubbas shop that is cleaner than your kitchen and we can fix your car with a $19.95 code reader) or the internet doesn't really matter. The word is printed and presented in a format that can only be described as "glossy, full colour magazine advertisement". This is a compelling argument for the veracity of the statement. (years ago it was discovered that full colour ads sold products better than black and white ads.... most youngsters wont appreciate the evolution of early media).


OTOH, you are a living breathing entity... therefore a customer can argue or barter with you. I've seen apprentices act like customers... They don't like your answer because it involves work... so they ask another senior tech... and another... hoping to find an answer that

suits their desires...



As for inaccurate diag? The current state of many systems can be acertained using nothing more than an up to date IDS... Look at the headlights (cell 85-1 in the wiring diagrams) on a new Super Duty. You (the driver) do not turn on the headlights...


The steering column control module can assume many things using the information from the headlight switch... notice that the SCCM never sees a "no ground" condition from the headlight switch. Notice that the SCCM never sees a multiple ground condition from the headlight switch. Notice that the SCCM does NOT turn on the headlights... It merely indicates your desire (over the MSCAN network) to the BCM... The BCM is kinda neat because most (if not all) lighting circuits are MOS-FET controlled. An interesting feature of these metal oxide semiconductor - field effect transistors and their related circuitry is its ability to sense current flow. It can tell if you have an open or a high current draw situation. Congratulations - you have just been replaced by a "burger flipper".


At every step along the way, there is the ability for any of these circuits to, with a reasonable amount of accuracy, self diagnose....


How long before this ability is ported to every system on the truck?


How long before sites like auto MD are replaced by kiosks at the mall.. plug in your car... swipe your debit card and drive away with a print out. Off to the local "tech" and ask him "How much to do what is written on this paper? Fuck you, I'm not asking for your opinion".


Thankfully, by the time this happens, I might be wearing a blue vest handing out sales flyers.


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  Jim Warman said:

How long before sites like auto MD are replaced by kiosks at the mall.. plug in your car... swipe your debit card and drive away with a print out. Off to the local "tech" and ask him "How much to do what is written on this paper? Fuck you, I'm not asking for your opinion".

We then simply overcome, adapt and improvise.

    [*]My diagnostic fee just became an instructional analyzing and set up fee. The time I would have used and charged you to diagnose your vehicle is now being used to read and understand the diagnosis and determine if it is actually possible. "Sir, your diesel engine does not have a carburetor. Please pay the girl at the window."


    [*]There is also now an additional mandatory 10% misdiagnosis waiver. This covers both the consumer and the shop/technicians ass when a bad diagnosis and repair recommendation is presented. It allows for re-diagnosis. It is non-refundable even if the diagnosis is correct. "I didn't ask for your diagnosis. Fuck you too."


    [*]Offer your consumer a choice. (they love that as it shows you care) When a suggested repair not worth my time because the consumer expects a rock bottom price for the repair completely removing any profit I kindly take one step to the left, turn around and point to the door. "Wal-Mart is two blocks that-a-way. Go look for the old curmudgeon with the push broom under his nose and fuck with him. Have a nice day!"

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You will make yourself redundant...


Bobby Flay can cook you a hamburger to die for... Billy Zitface can put <something> on a bun and hand it to you in less than 30 seconds.


One is cheap and quick , the other is not. One is a treat to the palate... the other is... ummm the other is approved by the health department... usually. As long as the employees haven't done a youtube thing.


Your instructional analyzing and set up fee doesn't account for much if people aren't willing to pay it.


Working for the dealer has jaded too many of you guys. In the retail world, you will often see customers that have spent all of their money in the store of the "low bid". Once they are out of money, they will visit you because they heard that you can fix anything. They didn't come to you when they had money because they also heard you were expensive.


While I'd be stretched to the limit to call you "pretty", I don't think you should bury your head in the sand like an ostritch.


"Known for its never-ending hunger and its mind boggling stupidity, the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal is such a stupid animal that it thinks if you can't see it, it can't see you"

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When I had the shop, a new customer walked in and asked me how much to replace the bad trans in his aging Buick RWD. I quoted $XXX and he brought me the car with a boneyard tranny in the trunk. We swapped it in and test drove it. The tranny worked fine but the rear CV was wasted causing a severe vibration under load. I informed the cust of this and he told me that's why he was changing the tranny. We fixed the CV at additional cost but he learned (or maybe didn't learn, some people never do) a valuable lesson....


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  Jim Warman said:

they will visit you because they heard that you can fix anything. They didn't come to you when they had money because they also heard you were expensive.

When I had the shop I always made sure I was the most expensive independent shop around, when people called price shopping I made sure I told them this. We did regular work for other shops nearby because they knew we could fix anything and we had all OEM scan tools and HD software.



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First, it's satire Jim. Relax!


Second, they get what they pay for most times. People like you and I, (yes I am including you cause you really are no different in the end) will never be obsolete especially when you consider the options.


I beleive most of us would opt for what Mr. Flay is serving. The others will eventually return after they have been served by Billy Zitface. But I do concede that there will always be those content with a healthy serving of shit on a shingle or don't know the difference. I have seen the prices at Burger Hut... they ain't much better.


`Scuuuuuse Meeeeeeeeeeee while I go dig my fucking head out of the sand. Posted Image

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7.5 hrs to do a headgasket on an 05 6.0l, @ 74$ per hour, in beverly hills. (Yes, i used 90210, only US zip that came to mind) This should help when doing estimates.....

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  cbriggs said:

7.5 hrs to do a headgasket on an 05 6.0l, @ 74$ per hour, in beverly hills. (Yes, i used 90210, only US zip that came to mind) This should help when doing estimates.....

Well It's clear to me now that SLTS uses this web sight for time study's Posted Image

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