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6.0L injector connector part number?

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I'm looking for a part number (if available) for a 6.0L fuel injector. I'm talking about the connector on the actual injector, NOT the FICM harness.


I'm also looking for a link to the Motorcraft Pigtail catalog, if anyone has a link to that.

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This might be something worth making available on the DTS site...


You won't find those connectors anywhere as far as service parts are concerned. Like Jim stated you will need to harvest one from an old injector. Since re man injectors get all new electrical parts the connector won't be missed. I "kept" one to make an injector noid light and a few extras in case I needed them. I did. For some reason I went through a streak of beating them up when removing and installing intake manifolds. Bull in a china shop I guess.

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every core returned to parts gets inspected for a good donor connector, I highly doubt they'll be missed. when i get enough saved up i'll stop harvesting them Posted Image


also helping things out is the fact that they disassemble very easily like a normal ford connector

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  Keith Browning said:

For some reason I went through a streak of beating them up when removing and installing intake manifolds. Bull in a china shop I guess.

Whew!!! I don't feel so bad now. Posted Image


Do you guys just cut the connector off? I'm always afraid I'll get in trouble if I don't return a core in pristine condition.

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This is true, but I once had a parts guy throw a boxed power steering rack right across my stall. The core got sent back because I had the inner tie rods unscrewed. I thought it was so incredibly stupid and immature to turn down that core, because the place that takes them to rebuild is going to disassemble them anyway.


This morning I took a connector off an old injector.

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FWIW. Our powerstroke guy was here yesterday and showed off a flyer and an injector cut away of 6.0 reman injectors. I was interested in the end cap groove they have to help alleviate stiction and got to see it up close and personal. Not to pick on any brands or anything, but he mentioned Alliant reman 6.0 injectors and the differences between motorcraft reman and them. The aftermarket DOES NOT replace the coils and wiring when remanufacturing an injector--motorcract does. Also, as a consequence, the end caps for the spool valve do not have the added groove to prevent stiction. I have never worried about cutting a few off since I found out that they are replaced anyway. Unless I'm changing the injector for an electrical failure or something and don't want the electrical portion to be tampered with.

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