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Pain In The Neck!

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Keith Browning

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DAMMIT!!! Posted Image


It became evident last night I have a pinched nerve in my neck that started out with soreness on the drive home. I can't move my head or my right arm without excruciating pain. After very little sleep I now sit here waiting for my Dr's office to open and pray they can get me in... and friggin SOON or I am gonna start flipping out. I need meds! Posted Image

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My wife's been dealing with this for a little over a week now - on her left side though, We know a good chiropractor, so He's been working on her neck, it's doing much better, and he even showed us a few stretches that she can do at home to help with it, one of which has me grabbing the back of her neck while she's lying on her back and pulling her head upward, it really helps!


I really hope you get yours feeling better soon Keith!

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I've suffered from lower back pain for many years... grit your teeth and avoid thinking about it.


My wife is forever after me to see a chiropractor. My biggest fear is that he will make a <POP> that he can't un<POP>.


The devil I do know is friendlier than the devil I don't.


Kieth... cheer up - things are never so bad that they can't get worse.

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I think a Chiropractor is needed to keep our bodys in shape with the type of work we do. I agree its a bit scary at first and you need to find a good one. I typically try to get in once a month or so and it makes all the difference for me. I have had days I it hurts to even get out of bed from a nerve in my lower back. I remember a particular day I R+I 4 cooling modules by myself out of 6.0 e-vans all in a row, That killed my weekend as I was hobbling around barely able to move afterwards.

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Well Doc thinks it's a pulled muscle having spasms which is better news than a subluxation in my neck. Now that I think about it I probably did this lifting a Torqshift off of a transmission jack and onto the trans bench. Only thing I can think of.


So, I just sat down and cracked open two prescriptions and nothing to do for the next three days. Good thing is the prescriptions do not say don't take with alcohol so I guess 1 or 2 beers will be okay... it is the country's birthday you know!


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Yes... and today is Canada Day as well...


In the neener-neener department, just outside of town is the Slave Lake Concert of Hope. Evacuees get in free to this three day concert featuring the likes of Nazareth, Dwight Yoakam and the Stampeders (by coincidence a strange happenings, Rich Dodson of the Stampeders is uncle to none other than this lists own Adam Dodson... stand up and take a bow, Adam - this is your fucking 15 minutes of fame... Posted Image ) along with who knows who else?


Sunday is the anniversary of the single most important event of the entire 20th century.. yes, folks... this Sunday marks my 61st birthday.... come on now, you can get up off your knees Posted Image


Me? I'll be on my knees... laying laminate flooring... wishing I was brave enough to visit the chiropractor, knowing in my heart that, with my luck, we'd be ringing a bell that can't be unrung.... So... up yours mister chiropractor man... you can work your wizardry, evil or otherwise, on other unsuspecting souls. Feeling pain is a sure sign that you are still alive and still on the proper side of the grass....


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