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Man caves

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Jim Warman

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While I've been busy with renovations on the home front, a good friend has been busy with his own renovations... though his level of physical exertion usually stops at getting out his cheque-book.


His efforts thus far include the new mancave - this separate building has 14 foot walls and 2 large bays. One overhead door is 12 foot and the other is 8. A BendPak XPR-10A will be installed in the bay that the Viper is parked in.


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As for the old , attached garage? This will become the new home of the Viper, the Vette and be the winter home of one scooter (though I have been made to promise it will be polished and waxed before it is allowed entry) - after all, this is now a living area with cars parked in it.


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Sweet... which pisses me off since I "ain't got." Right now I am paying for a family which is priceless but some day, some way I hope to eventually be able to do something for ME! Shoot, a guy can dream can't he?


And just to be informed, BendPak XPR-10Aa is a lift.

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  Keith Browning said:

And just to be informed, BendPak XPR-10Aa is a lift.

Oh yes it is... a 10,000 pound, clear floor, assymetrical post lift with 145 inch columns and about the same spread.... I need to rebadge it as a 6,000 pound lift so we don't have people pestering to lift their work truck. I wish I could say "neener, neener, neener", but most anything I need a hoist for, I can do at work.


Still, this is part of my "will work for beer" program.

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  Keith Browning said:

Work for beer eh?


<strokes his chin thoughtfully>


That's a deal I could get behind depending on the work... and the beer.


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The Chevelle in the big shop has a powerglide with what seems to be a leaking converter drainback valve. My job is to sit on a stool with a drink in my hand critiquing whatever is going on at the time. On occasion, I may actually have to stand up and demonstrate something or make a visual inspection to recommend a suitable "next action" - might be diagnosis or it might be just assembly or disassembly process.


If I see a misstep or an improper technique, I am allowed to remain silent until later in the repair process. I feel that having one of these neophytes having to partially disassemble something to rectify a misstep can be a powerful teaching aid... and everyone gets a good chuckle after they stop calling me names.


One of my perks is being able to drive any of these (and many other) cars should I feel the urge.


Having a solid knowledge of Holley and Edelbrock (the Edelbrock being a clone of the old Carter AFB) carbs and breaker point ignition systems helps.


Power corrupts... absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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  Brad Clayton said:

If we screw up at the mountain, we have to buy everyone in the shop beer. PBR usually wins out, that shit is cheaper than water around here.

I always thought that American beer WAS water...


Annhieser-Busch brought out a new beer. As part of the introductory ad campaign, they had a "name that beer" contest. Whoever won, would get free beer for a year and appear on national TV.


The contest was won by Gertrude Stein, an 86 year old great-grandmother from Armpit, Oklahoma. She had chosen the name "Love on the Beach" for this beer.


The President of Annheiser-Busch, along with the entire board of directors was on hand to present the prize on national television as part of the opening ceremony for the Daytona 500. The President of A-B asked "Gertie... how on earth did you come up with a wonderful name like 'Love on a Beach' for our new product?". Gertrude looked up at him and spoke clearly into the microphone.... " I tried the free samples you gave me... and the first thing that came to my mind was that this shit is fucking near water"........

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