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Our new "service advisor"

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Well, I just know that Jim Warman is going to be all over this one like flies to turd, so here it goes.


As some of you might know, if you've been following my posts, my dealer just recently changed circus managers. Out with the old, and in with a new service manager and general manager. Along with these two new faces, comes along with some inevitable changes. One of our service advisors (whom is disliked by many, but is also the only technically savy one of the three), has suddenly decided to take a "leave of absence" since our new service manager has taken over (me "reading between the lines" gives me the impression that she's not coming back, at least not in the near future, or maybe distant....).


In comes a new hire, who is rumored to be intended to look after all the internal service work orders (used car safetys, PDI's etc.), as well as backup when any one of our current three are off. Well, it turns out this new "advisor" is a bit of a scammer, putting it lightly. I got one of his write-ups last week, an '07 F-150 in for an oil change and four new tires, as well as "a noise while driving". I wheel it around the block, unable to hear anything unusual (or any noise that I would complain about if it were my truck). I approach him to ask for further clarification on the "noise" and condition that it occurs. His exact words to me were, "Mike just find SOMETHING, this guy is willing to spend money". My reply to him goes, "I don't give a rat's ass if this guy has $20,000 in his bank account that he's willing to dump into this thing, unless I see anything, or hear anything that bothers me, I not going to hose him". On to item #2. Yesterday, he approaches me to ask a question (even though I wasn't scheduled to work yesterday. I was there to catch up on some of the shit that I am absolutely swamped with at work). His question, "Do hybrids have spark plugs in them?". I was about to pause and reply, "Spark plugs? What are those? I only work on diesels so I wouldn't even have an inkling as to what they are, let alone their purpose or how to replace them". One of the apprentices came to vent to me yesterday too. Apparently a vehicle rolled in for its 5000 Kms. oil change, that he "sold" a tire rotation on as well. When the apprentice rolled it into his bay, he asked him if it needs brakes (or brake "service"), transmission or power steering flush? Posted Image


So, this is supposed to be change for the better?

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You sure he didn't come from K-Mart?


I had an advisor years ago, who was a K-Mart flunkie.


Every vehicle, with more than 10,000 miles on it got sold struts and shocks. I mean EVERY one. Let's replace some super expensive Bilstein or other adjustable or electronic shock with some Gabriel ride-o-matic shit.

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Well, I'm not sure if the fox has moved into the hen-house or not.


That you were admonished to find "something" isn't a whole bunch of any kind of proof. The whole idea behind any kind of multipoint inspection when a vehicle is in for other work is to find an itch and offer to scratch it... The question then becomes "is this a legitimate itch? or are we trying to manufacture one?". With trucks living in the oilpatch, it generally isn't too hard to find a legitimate itch (you wouldn't believe the number of customers that insist on new brake pads when they hit 50% - about 5 or 6 mm) - most customers will thank you profusely - especially considering how many zeros can be at the end of the number on the bottom of the tow bill.


I can't speak for the tire rotation since I firmly believe that this is a valuable and worthwhile service. I rotate my tires every 10,000 KMs. My son does too... all of my personal customers do..... (of course, common sense will prevail here - if the vehicle is 2008 to 2010 with an 8000 km interval... and I am presuming that everyone is marking the factory recommened interval rather than "manufacturing" one.... some customers rotate at 8K and some at 16K - not a whole bunch of difference).


If you get a car in and it looks like it doesn't need a rotation, it is because it has been getting rotations. If it looks like it is overdue for a rotation - it is too fucking late.


FWIW, I like all of my tires to wear out at the same time.... First off, it reduces the strain on the driveline (read that as my wife puts the truck in 4 wheel drive almost as soon as I put the car to bed for the winter) and, most important, the price of one tire is the price of one tire... the price of 4 tires at the same time is a force to be reckoned with. Our dealership cost on tires is too high to begin with... For single tires, we're compettitive.. for a set, I can get a far better deal shopping around. And, of course, I have digressed.


"Do hybrids have spark plugs?".... Service advisors have many training opportunities available to the. Most have to do either with customer handling or general product knowledge. I have no idea if any of that training includes anything about spark plugs in anything - let alone in hybrids specifically.


One of the ways that SAs learn about 'technical' things is by asking questions... One of the ways that I got to where I am today is because I answer those questions. A little tolerance can go a long, long way. (Surprising considering how intolerant I can be at times).


Lastly... assuming that he (the SA) asked him (the apprentice) if it needed brake service or <GASP> a fl.....fl.....fl.... - one of them wallet things. Now here is the worst part of your whole ordeal.... Did he mean "a fluid exchange", a "service" or did he actually indicate that there is going to be an overpriced, dubious chemical involved in the process. For my part, I consult with customers and indicate the manufacturers recommendations on driveline component servicing. I am overdue for my last transmission service on my truck. Am I a flush queen? If you refer back to my statement about my wife and my 4WD, I change my transfer case oil every spring (my Gawd.. I must be a flush queen).


Where did your new SA come from? Was it an environment that took advantage of customers.... or an environment that took advantage of manufacturers recommended service intervals?


The SA that left.... you say she was disliked by many. Were you one of those that disliked her? Was she one of the grotesque ones? Stop judging books by the cover....


You have a lot of new, raw material to work with.... Don't waste the opportunity.

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First thing this morning my meathead toolbag fucking SM bursts through the door in a rage of fury. You can tell he's jacked, for what particular reason we'll never know. I've been there for a half hour already unbeknownst to him and he says to me with an attitude, are you going to do anything today? I'm red hot now. He throws me some keys to go jockey some drop-off cars around. Not only is that not my fucking job but I'm getting attitude with it


So what did i do? clipped another fucking car not paying attention. Service dept lost what I would have made them in a day.

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Around here we offer the service advisor job to pretty much anyone within the company who will take it(the SA position has been a revolving door for the last three years). Car experience? None? Congrats, you've got the job. Most of the SA's are high schoolers that applied for positions in the call center and some how made it upfront. I can tell why our work load has been on a steady decline as it seems like no one can explain what a part does or how the system(s) works. To a customer who just spent anywhere from $100 and up and not being able to receive a proper explanation, well I can see why so many of them are pissed off. The SA's also receive a bonus on upsells, so even if the tech does not recommend the service, the advisors do and usually based on a bullshit service schedule...I can tell customers are pissed off when every time they come in someone is trying to ram more pricey maintenance items down their throat..


And don't get me started on the work orders...

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Lemme ask you guys a question, with a comment..


I understand the recognition thing, where I work, they have said thanks, etc, given me a bit of financial incentive here and there, but what happened Tuesday just pissed me off to no end.


I've been having major, major pain issues, with shooting pain and numb ring and pinky fingers in my right hand. Making work not easy at all.


My primary doctor sent to an orthopedist, after an MRI of my cervical and thoracic spine showed 11 herniated discs. The ortho ordered a emg (nerve response test) in my right arm and shoulder to find out what's pinched and where.


I went to another ortho to have this test done, and he said I have carpal tunnel (already knew that), ulnar tunnel (nerve to the two fingers) and he wanted to see the MRI, which I had brought with me to see my neck, specifically the C7-C8.


He looked and was rather blunt, and showed me what he saw. The cord is nearly pinched in half at the herniation in that area and he questioned "how can you be walking?" That made my Monday.


He told me I have to stop cycling (bicycle) immediately and I shouldn't be working. Should I even trip and fall in the wrong way, it could be very bad. I asked about options. The only options he said were shots, and cervical traction. Surgery on the side that's herniated is in a place that's extremely difficult to access. This ortho told me that I should be out on perm disability. Which isn't gonna happen, can't afford it financially.


I need to wait for results of the nerve test to go to the first orthopedist and see what he says.


I called up work, spoke to the secretary and told her the deal. She relayed it to the owner. (they are a "couple")


I get to work Tuesday, waiting for something to work on in the morning and I get a VERY nasty, sarcastic attitude "Are you here to WORK or what?!?" What the fuck choice do I have? I've worked for this fucking place for 11 years, when I could have been making real money elsewhere. I've stayed only because I brought them quite a few customers from where I used to work and they keep coming pretty much only because I'm there.


I almost was ready to say, "lay me the fuck off already"


Have any of you had to deal with something like this?

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I've dealt with worse way back in the past. You are a machine that is no longer performing to their expectations. When their machines start breaking down and costing them money by not being able to complete the work.......well you get the picture. It is always about the money! And they always figure you're out to screw them. They could care less about your health and well being or even you family family life. To them, you are a Machine! What happens to rusty old machines in the end? I see it at all the shops I walk into these days. Now they look for machines that cost less to operate (foreign workers who cost less). Man I see lots of cheep machines out there these days. It's too bad they don't perform as well as good machines, but that is the trend I see all to much now. Posted ImagePosted Image

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  mchan68 said:

Originally Posted By: AlexBruene
Who is your new SM, Chan? Is he a Ford guy?
Joe Perri. Has worked at Pine Tree before.

He has worked at Formula too. I have spoke with him before. Seemed like a nice enough guy. A bit of a puppet, but a nice guy nonetheless. I think he's originally a GM guy.

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He has worked at Formula too. I have spoke with him before. Seemed like a nice enough guy. A bit of a puppet, but a nice guy nonetheless. I think he's originally a GM guy.
Yeah, he's definitely "up there" in age. Kinda makes me wonder how long he's going to stick around for. Very quiet and nice enough, I agree. At least he's not on my ass every day asking ME where I want trucks parked or other stupid questions like my old SM used to.

Our new general manager however, was nice enough to go down to the local performance shop personally, to pick up and pay for a set of head studs himself with HIS OWN credit card for a 6.0L trifecta I had on the go (now driving it for the weekend), just to get things "moving" quicker (due to accounts receivable/payable issues between us and the performance shop). Now THAT, is a manager that has gained my respect HANDS DOWN. Posted Image

..... back to the topic of our new "service advisor". His new latest and greatest saga. Apparently he has ripped off more than a few techs, by not paying them out on more than a few ROs. Not to mention, on retail quotes, one such job that was quoted for 12 hours (a tranny job I believe), he paid out the 12 hours to the tech on the job, but quoted 16 to the customer. This is just ONE of the many screw ups, that I've heard about. Only makes me so glad I haven't had too many of his ROs YET.

BTW Alex, I like your new avatar. I nearly fell off my chair this morning when I first logged on. Do you use that same avatar on any of the monkey house forums?
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  mchan68 said:
At least he's not on my ass every day asking ME where I want trucks parked or other stupid questions like my old SM used to.



..... back to the topic of our new "service advisor". His new latest and greatest saga. Apparently he has ripped off more than a few techs, by not paying them out on more than a few ROs. Not to mention, on retail quotes, one such job that was quoted for 12 hours (a tranny job I believe), he paid out the 12 hours to the tech on the job, but quoted 16 to the customer. This is just ONE of the many screw ups, that I've heard about. Only makes me so glad I haven't had too many of his ROs YET.



Having someone ask ME where I want a truck I'm working on/going to be working on is NOT a stupid question. For the couple of seconds it takes to answer the question.... It beats the shit out of wandering around the parking lot looking for a white super duty "you can't miss it". Add the "leave it run"... "shut it off" scenario...


Service advisors flagging your time? Are you serious????? Our SM flags most of the time and the warranty wench takes care of some.... I am sometimes used as a replacement for the flat rate manual when quoting retail stuff. I have a head full of "menu" pricing.


FWIW, charging your customer 16 hours and paying you 14 is called fraud and is a criminal offense. Be sure you have your ducks in a row and aren't doing something kneejerk if you chase it.

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I have worked with all kinds of clowns and stupidity over the years. But I agree about the parking question unless it's coming from someone I know who knows where the trucks get parked and how. BUT this is an important question when it comes to tow-in's especially if it is a particularly large or heavy truck or bus that does not move on it's own and as Jim said, the "leave it run"... "shut it off" scenario...

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  mchan68 said:

he paid out the 12 hours to the tech on the job, but quoted 16 to the customer.

I've worked with quite a few service advisors in my career that did that. Coincidentally, they are also the same ones that see dollar signs light up the room when a 70 year old pensioner drives in with their 1992 Escort that has a mere 20,000 km on it, and use scare tactics to sell them every service under the sun. How long they last all seems to ride on whether or not your SM has a conscience, or sees the same dollar signs.



And no, I don't use this avatar anywhere else. I don't have time to go anywhere else.

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  mchan68 said:


..... back to the topic of our new "service advisor". His new latest and greatest saga. Apparently he has ripped off more than a few techs, by not paying them out on more than a few ROs. Not to mention, on retail quotes, one such job that was quoted for 12 hours (a tranny job I believe), he paid out the 12 hours to the tech on the job, but quoted 16 to the customer. This is just ONE of the many screw ups, that I've heard about. Only makes me so glad I haven't had too many of his ROs YET.



A bit more than a few years ago, I had a Service Manager that did the exact same thing on a regular basis. He was paid a bonus based on Gross Profit of the Service department. I had just come out of my Shop Foreman/Assistant Service Manager position at a another dealership and had started working there flat rate. I lasted only six months at that dealership. Once I had all my evidence organized and my ducks in a row, I went to the Owner with the issue. He knew about the issue and wasn't going to do anything about it. Actually, he was rather offended that I found about it. None of the other techs there looked up their own times and didn't have a clue as to what was going on. But because I knew the warranty system, I caught on real quick as to what was going on. I was looking up my own times and documenting them. Then I was able to get a look at the closed out work orders and found that he was charging Ford warranty more time than he paying us techs. To this day he is still the Service Manager at that dealership and techs are still none the wiser and still struggling. Some techs at other dealerships could fathom the reason I looked up my own times and thought I was crazy to do so. But after that ass raping, there was no way in hell I was going to do otherwise. This particular dealership has a new owner now and from what I've heard, the new owner his sights on the this Service Manager and his days are numbered. I still talk to some of the guys there on a regular basis. I still don't say anything to them about why I left back then. They are just those type of techs that won't take the initiative to learn how to look up their own times and see what is going on. The amount of money they have lost over the years would be unbelievable.



This is one of the huge problems with bonus paid service/sales personal. It can become all about money and never the right thing.

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Good example of being aware of how your paid. I learned to do the very same thing years ago and document all my times I claim. Most techs in the shop think Im nuts but I know exactly how much Im getting paid and honestly I get screwed less because of it. My management knowns they can not pull a fast one on me and if I get a backflag it better be for a good reason because I will question it. I have a drawer in my toolbox just for paperwork and copys of ROs for about the past month.


I had a similar experence as dwayne and once they found out I was on to their little scam I got canned

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