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6.0l Unison Ring

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I have an 03 6.0 in need of a unison ring (so the customer says). I need to know if the later 04 and up unison ring is the same part number as the early 03 ring. The part number I have for the 04 and up is 4C4Z-6C885-A Thanks!

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So it is a different part being that it has a different number but do you know what the difference is between the two? I don't remember the last time I had an early turbo apart.

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  Bruce Amacker said:

They increased the clearance between the unison ring and the hub on the CRHA on later turbos to combat sticky unison rings, maybe it involved a small dimensional change in the ring.....


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I have a few rings laying around, one's an original 03, one's unknown and one is NIB. I may have to stick a caliper on these now Posted Image

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Yeah all the ones I have measure the same inside diameter


Was it on this site I read about guys having new cam slots machined nearly 180° into old unison rings? That may be something to think about considering all the rings layed to waste

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