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7.3-444e CMP

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Can any one tell me what the diff was between the black bodied gold pinned and silver pinned cmp sensors? Since Ford did the recall are they only using one part # to replace both style's of sensors?


I have used a new grey sensor in a 444e cause it was avail and it works fine, but I ordered one from my main office and I was asked what one is in the bus now, gold or silver pinned...... Dose any one know what I.H. has done with their sensors, did they do a recall or anything sim to Ford? Am I getting old stock or has I.H. not made any changes???


Thanks Don

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TSI Number: 97-12-17


TSI Date: September, 1997


Subject File: ENGINE





Camshaft Position (CMP) Transducer Usage on International® T 444E Engines






Engine Family: T 444E






The T 444E engine camshaft position (CMP) transducer (sensor) was changed to gold plated connector pins starting with 1996 1/2 Model Year (engine serial number 375549 and above). Prior model years use a CMP sensor with tin plated connector pins.


Gold plated connector pins will help increase reliability and are compatible with the engine harness connector, which now has gold plated female connectors.




DO NOT interchange the gold and tin plated pin CMP sensors. Engine failure could result. The CMP sensor's output is required to determine camshaft speed and position for the control of fuel quantity, injection timing and over-speed shutdown. See Part No. Identification Chart below.







Connector Type

Model Year

Eng. Serial Number


1825899C92 (1.142") Replaces:


1825899C91 (1.152")

Gold Plated


Gold Plated

1996 1/2

375549 & Above







1821720C98 (1.142") Replaces:


1821720C97 (1.152")


1821720C96 (1.152")

Tin Plated


Tin Plated


Tin Plated

Prior to 1996 1/2

375548 & Below














The connector pins can be visually checked to determine the type of coating. The tin plated pins will have a grayish dull finish and the gold will be gold colored.

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