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cab removal

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Question....anyone know where i can find printed information about body companys must not wire threw the cab because of cab removal. I remember being told of this but now can not find it.....Thanks

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anyone know where i can find printed information about body companys must not wire threw the cab because of cab removal

Now that's funny. Them guys are going to do what ever they want to get the job done.
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Thanks for the info....I have a Town fire chief in talks with a ambulance body builder and he wanted info on how they are not suppose to wire threw the cab because of cab removal..

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The same goes for anything we install at customer request.


We do a lot of positive air shut offs.... some of our techs put a great deal of thought into wiring the solenoids... some techs use this as an opportunity to turn the simplest engine related task into a frustrating labour.


Even some of the V-Mac installations I have seen have been well thought out... while others resemble a night mare.


It becomes obvious which body builders are interested in quality and which can only think of money (scotch locks? - c'mon, guys).... We have seen bundles of wires fatter than Ron Jeremy's dick - every last one of them is 14 ga and all the same colour. Oh... and there ain't but 1 mm of slack in any of them.


If you are a tech and you don't list "drinking" as your main hobby..... you gotta be wierd.

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  GregH said:

Originally Posted By: Jim Warman
... We have seen bundles of wires fatter than Ron Jeremy's dick ...

Ron Jeremy's dick isn't all that fat...


Now how in the fuck would you guys know this, or not know this? Posted Image


I don't look at dicks (they're for chicks). I look at BOOBIES, preferably big ones. Posted Image

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  • 2 months later...
  Aaron said:

I've found that staring at boobs for three or four hours seems to make me dumber than a box of shit!

I guess that explains what happened to me.
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  Keith Browning said:

You know, a LITTLE thought goes a long way. Not wiring from the cab to the chassis or a body on the rear is not always acceptable or practical. The use of CONNECTORS solves this issue.

I turned down a job on an F550 with a dump box that required lifting the cab. Whoever added the dump box cut a bigass hole in the floor between the seats and ran the hydraulic hoses for the dump control inside the cab. There was a welded on bracket at the top front of the box holding an amber rotary light that would require the box to be tilted before lifting the cab. Didn't look like an easy job at all. It would have been very difficult to co-ordinate lifting the cab with removal of the hydraulic hoses/tilting the box etc. Especially since my hoist is only rated at 9000lbs. I would have had to either start the job on our truck ramp hoist, then transfer it to my hoist to lift the cab, then roll around on a creeper etc. Totally poorly planned during the initial install. Posted Image
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