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6.4L HPFP Cover Gasket - CAB ON

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I know I have taken the cover off with the turbos still on the engine but has anyone done this job with the cab on and trans out? Looks like a better option. Just want to hear experiences... No, I simply wont take the turbo off with the cab on. I wont do it.

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I thought someone on here mentioned doing it with the trans out before and it didn't sound like fun.


As far as pulling the turbos with the cab on is easy peasy if you jack the front of the cab up like was described in the post about doing the righ up pipe. I'll pull the cab in a heart beat to do the pump but I just jack the front of the cab up if I'm diong turbos.


But doing it with the cab on is probably not easier if you don't have a topside creaper.

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My biggest problem is jacking with the up pipes and the EGRDOC pipe. I cant seem to get these apart without using fire to heat up the fasteners. I recently did a cab off HPOP but left the turbo on to see if it could be done. I did it without a lot of fuss. I have to do a HPOP cover gasket for a short (hopefully) and I beleive removing the trans will be easeir than lifting the cab. This will still give me excellent access to the pipes...


This is what I am thinking anyway. I dunno. Posted Image

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If i had a srw 250 or 350 that I could rack up all the way, strap the trans/transfer case to a jack and slide it all out, it would be MUCH faster than pulling the cab for me


I'm becoming fond of the partial cab lift also but I would only try it that way on a truck I couldn't lift up in the air. I haven't done a pump in a while but I won't be pulling cabs anymore to do them

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I did a HPOP gasket sometime back by pulling the trans, I would much rather do a partial body lift and pull the turbos - can have it done in about 3.5 hours that way....


The problem I found with pulling the trans was I was constantly having to get under it and then on it, and then back under it....

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My biggest problem is jacking with the up pipes and the EGRDOC pipe. I cant seem to get these apart without using fire to heat up the fasteners. I recently did a cab off HPOP but left the turbo on to see if it could be done. I did it without a lot of fuss. I have to do a HPOP cover gasket for a short (hopefully) and I beleive removing the trans will be easeir than lifting the cab. This will still give me excellent access to the pipes...


This is what I am thinking anyway. I dunno. Posted Image


I didn't realize people were removing the turbos to do a hp pump. I have always left them on.


I have done one with trans out and I would rather pull the cab and if I had to do it in cab then I would definitely pull the turbos out of my way.

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I have done one with just the turbo off and cab on with trans in(turbo was off for another reason) and it was surprising easier then I thought it was going to be. I found that running the engine then lubing up the pipe bolts then letting it cool was the ticket compared to having to torch the things. But then again AZ does not have rust issues

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I've done them with the turbo off/cab on. I have to do a pump on a 2009 F-450 with a front wheel drive bus set up. I'm going to try to do it by only removing the transmission and inlet pipes. I have replaced fuel line gaskets like that before, and didn't find it too difficult.


Check out this $hit...


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Oh, just for the record, I whimped pussied out and pulled the cab. I still have too many problems with the bolts and studs fucking up on me. And of course I had to repair threads on the turbo in this one. I wish I bought that group of tools that was offered on the RTTP. I have another truck lined up after this one.

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We can't really get them into the shop either... We can, but it disables 2 work bays. We've done a bit of investigating, trying to determine why these things are going through HPFPs so often. One might suggest it has something to do with the modifications to the fuel supply system? Perhaps the fuel source? Who knows... I think I might have figured something out.


We opened up the HFCMs on both buses we have here, and they both look like this...


Posted Image


Either way, we're turning them away now. Too much of a hassle from the fleet, from Ford and especially from warranty for trying to get the claim paid. I was also "cautioned" about vocalizing my opinion about these buses on INFORD.

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I was also "cautioned" about vocalizing my opinion about these buses on INFORD.

Oh really? And how's that, and by whom? What are they going to do, fire you? You know how few guys there are "out there" that will want to work on these things. I vaguely recall your post on inford about how even the TTC guys have subtly hinted at taking an early retirement before working on them. My answer would be WTF, I'm not allowed to have an opinion? It's not as if vocalizing an opinion is costing them $$$, which is really all they care about isn't it?
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Gee thanks Alex ! Somehow I think that will be more for me, although I don't blame you one bit. Our lot is starting to look like a damn TTC yard; too bad they don't pay like one ! I can't keep up with our regular work, let alone these nightmares ! I'm jealous if you don't get any more !

We can't really get them into the shop either... We can, but it disables 2 work bays. We've done a bit of investigating, trying to determine why these things are going through HPFPs so often. One might suggest it has something to do with the modifications to the fuel supply system? Perhaps the fuel source? Who knows... I think I might have figured something out.


We opened up the HFCMs on both buses we have here, and they both look like this...


Posted Image


Either way, we're turning them away now. Too much of a hassle from the fleet, from Ford and especially from warranty for trying to get the claim paid. I was also "cautioned" about vocalizing my opinion about these buses on INFORD.

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Originally Posted By: AlexBruene
I was also "cautioned" about vocalizing my opinion about these buses on INFORD.
Oh really? And how's that, and by whom?

Somebody from Ford called my boss about it. Apparently, somebody on INFORD printed off the thread and gave it to somebody from "the fleet". Somebody from "the fleet" contacted Ford and complained.

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Somebody from Ford called my boss about it. Apparently, somebody on INFORD printed off the thread and gave it to somebody from "the fleet". Somebody from "the fleet" contacted Ford and complained.

"Somebody" on INFORD? Wow. What a joke. So someone ratted you out to the jokers at TTC eh? Me personally, I wouldn't consider it a loss at all, if they stopped showing up. These 6.4s are hard enough to wrench on as it is STOCK, let alone THAT kind of garbage. My personal opinion would be that they should be turned away at any and all doorsteps. Let TTC give Ford the gears about this hassle. If anyone at Ford calls, they need to know up front that we need to get PAID. NO PAY, NO FIXY, that's been my motto. Tell those guys at Ford in the white shirts to come down and get THEIR hands dirty working on these things themselves.
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Nothing surprising going on with the message boards.... If the thread was, indeed, printed off by another viewer and given to the fleet, then Ford should react to that fact... They discourage sharing this information with "civilians" and state as much on the InFord site.


Don't forget that there are "trigger" words.... The web-bot looks for you uttering the forbidden syllables...


Not to worry - three strikes and you are out - forever. If you do not subscribe to "Fordthink", you will become superfluous.

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I did mention that Ford should be more concerned about who is violating the terms of service of their website, rather than a few technicians expressing their opinions on what is without a doubt an overly modified vehicle. They seem to be more concerned about keeping the fleet happy than the techs.

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They seem to be more concerned about keeping the fleet happy than the techs.

That's because they (fleets) make Ford Motor Company money. "We" (the technicians) are an expense that needs to be controlled. Remember that my fellow knuckle dragger! Posted Image I know that comment is atypical of me but when you boil it down that is the bottom line.

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Somebody from Ford called my boss about it. Apparently, somebody on INFORD printed off the thread and gave it to somebody from "the fleet". Somebody from "the fleet" contacted Ford and complained.

If I were the one being "cautioned" as a result of the above fact highlighted in bold red, I'd be finding out who this "somebody" is, and getting his ass fired. HE is the one in the wrong, in my opinion.
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Doesn't really matter anymore, Chan. We've turned down anymore they want to send our way. We're even having a difficult time getting prior approval for the one I have yet to do. It sat on our lot for 45 days without us even opening the hood. We closed the RO and reopened it so we didn't have any issues with the 60 day time submission law... now they won't give me prior approval on the new RO because (according to hotline) time submission issues are not worthy of a new prior approval. Oh well.

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It was a very common thing at my last dealership to have things sit around that long. It wasn't that it was THAT busy, but they did priorty service, so some very low priorty jobs (i.e. warranty hunters) would keep getting bumped out of line by vehicle that did regular service. I guess we're kind of doing the same thing with this bus. It is very long. It will down 2 out of our 3 bays, and we've been crazy busy. Now it's slowing down a little, so I'm almost ready to do it... as soon as Ford lets us know they'll pay the bill.


I suppose it's only a matter of time until we follow you guys to the 30 day limit.

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You guys in Canada get 60 days? We have 30 days to submit a claim from the RO date. Did you ever think you would have trucks sitting around so long?

You should double check that Keith, I thought the same thing, but I recently found out from our warranty admin that it's 60 days on diesel claims, 30 days on all other claims.

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