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1993 7.3 IDI, Shuts off

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Hey guys,


Got a 93 IDI dinosaur in, truck shuts off when gets up to temp. I have it nailed down to the fact that as long as I have the temp switch jumped it will run forever, and run good. This is replicating a cold engine keeping the idle solenoid kicked up as well as the timing. I held the throttle in the same position the idle solenoid was keeping it and pulled my jumper and the truck shut right off. Any time that the harness is not jumped there powering up the cold engine stuff it shuts right off.


Any ideas? I'm really lost on this thing, I thought 7.3 powerstrokes were scary.....someone give me a 6.4 to work on! Hahah.


Thanks for any info guys,



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From what I remember, the pump has 2 connections. One turns on the fuel supply, the other is the cold engine timing advance. If it won't run with the cold advance solenoid not energized I would hazard a guess and go with an injection pump. Get a second opinion on this first, as I am going off memory, it's been awhile since I even looked at an IDI.

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Jumping the temp switch and causing the idle kicker might be a sign that the governor has been contaminated. I recall running into quite a few where all I needed to do was slightly elevate the idle and the engine stopped stalling. Remove the top cover on the pump and look for evidence of water - corrosion $ rust. If so, replace the pump. It's garbage. Ultimately, it could just be worn out and binding.


And if you do find crap in the pump could you take a nice digital image for me? It would be nice to document it and post it here on the DTS site.

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Thanks for the info guys,


I was really rushing to get this thing done, and from reading the replys on here a little more info on my part would have done wonders. Truck gets towed in from another shop, under the hood I see new fuel lines, new engine harness, new glow plugs, and what appears to be a new pump. They brought it in saying the truck runs for a bit and shuts off, which for the most part is what it did. Looking at the wiring diagram (93 wiring book on the PTS, alright!) and noticing the generic ass dinosaur connectors on the pump, I tried switching the two on the pump (as I come to find out Bruce has suggested), and voila!


I take it that on the driver side of the pump, the rear connector is the Cold engine timing kicker, and the front one is the fuel shut off, along with the idle kicker on the passenger side front of the pump.


Well, she's out of my bay, back to my cozy 6.0's and 6.4's :-)


Thanks again guys,



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  Bruce Amacker said:

Lmorris, I'm not remembering that.


Brandon, if the two power wires to solenoids are reversed that's what will happen, IIRC.


Good Luck!


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Nice call Bruce. Makes sense now with the new info. Power was supplied to the fuel supply solenoid only when cold. One to put in the memory banks.

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