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6.7 no start after long block replacement

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truck has 33000 miles cab and chassis replaced long block, turbo and number 7 injector, assembled engine and installed in truck now its a crank no start set code p2291. truck ran when first brought in when valve dropped. frp is 223.60 psi. replaced fpcv, fvcv and frp sensors from known good 6.7. hotline had me do a flow test on low pressure system to see if it flows 2 liters in 30 seconds which it does, had me remove return lines and disconnect injs to see if its venting out return side which its not. i took intake out and inspected lines to see if i left a plug in by accident and found no problems fuel is clean no dirt or metal found in system, hotline escalated my request and told me to crack inj lines loose to see if the system is aired up i have bled it for a day and still no avail the truck needs a hpfp, also hpfp is timed and the nut is torqued, any suggestions thanks kevin

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oh sorry guys forgot to mention crank sensor ring was installed when i built engine i have rpm signal. hotline submitted my request to the escalation team they said thats a new thing talked to an engineer yesterday told him it has to be the hpfp, he agreed i am gonna install it and see what that does. thanks guys that was the first thing i asked myself was the tone ring and sure enough i have rpm but still no start lets see what this hpfp will do Posted Image

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update installed new hpfp and new crush lines coming from hpfp reset hpfp tables and bled system left upper intake off and turbo inlet or lower intake off and the engine fired up and ran i was suprised that it did even with out the intakes on lol the engineer told me that when a long block gets replaced that for some reason it will not start he said this is not the first and they usually need a hpfp afterwards i just don't see y it failed i used a puller to remove the hpfp gear when i built the engine and when i put the new hpfp in and i also had all lines injectors and hpfp plugged off to prevent dirt

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yea not to bad and up i am flat rate the no start paid 11.3 i believe and the hpfp was extremely easy to replace as well as the lines should be no problem for anyone to have one out in under an hour or so

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  • 3 years later...

Out of the 4 I have replaced, 3 needed a HPFP. Hotline also admitted to me it was an issue that was being looked into. Haven't heard or seen anything more on the subject since. This is my first time reading this post, I like the idea of starting it with no intakes first, just in case. 

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Well the one I was working on only made 110 psi after I installed the long block , pinpoint test m leads to replace the high pressure pump. No debris in the system so put one in and now it starts and runs good. I am disappointed with the hot line, they had nothing to say and always talk to me like this is the first truck I have every worked on.

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  On 10/1/2015 at 1:19 AM, Steve Mutter said:

Well the one I was working on only made 110 psi after I installed the long block , pinpoint test m leads to replace the high pressure pump. No debris in the system so put one in and now it starts and runs good. I am disappointed with the hot line, they had nothing to say and always talk to me like this is the first truck I have every worked on.

Most likely they haven't figured it out or thought it was cheaper just to let us go through the motions. I wonder if it has to do with some kind of vibration or shock from the engine failure being transferred through the timing gears that takes out the pump.

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I was talking to the head trainer from hotline in Dearborn on Tuesday, she said they are training a bunch of new hires right now (90 ish) and they are looking to hire a tonne more. Don't hold your breath on good hotline responses for a bit. On the bright side, she said we are aloud to request it be looked at by the escalation team, if it is something we feel needs to be moved up immediately.

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