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Brad Clayton

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Saw this heap in the shop and got a kick out of it.


That air filter is about as big as the master cylinder reservoir. Posted Image


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That braided line zip tied to the rad hose goes to a nitrous bottle in the cab. Posted Image


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Guy said he just replaced a tie rod end and counted the turns. that was a brand new tire a week ago. Posted Image


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I forgot to snag a pic of the aftermarket trans cooler someone just installed after replacing the trans, it was a 'bute.

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hey I have one with that same filter....


AND the guy wonders why he needs a engine now after it ingested everything but a small child Posted Image


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I'm waiting on the first rolled up cardboard to be rolled up and siliconed into a Powercore filter body. You know it's got to be rolling around out there somewhere.......

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I agree. If you don't seal off alternate cells on each end it will flow a HUGE amount and might even approach the filtration of an old worn out poorly maintained K&N.

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Does anyone remember this zoodad mod gone bad? It is no secret that most civilians can't figure out the simplest of concepts when it comes to things mechanical.


How many techs look at the forest of unfused connections wandering away from the B+ terminal and never mention it to anyone? (FWIW, I document every instance I see on the RO to avoid anyone saying "after y'all wurkd on mah truk, it done burnded up".




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  Jim Warman said:

How many techs look at the forest of unfused connections wandering away from the B+ terminal and never mention it to anyone? (FWIW, I document every instance I see on the RO to avoid anyone saying "after y'all wurkd on mah truk, it done burnded up".

And that ain't no bullshit, either. I had two vehicles catch fire after I worked on them (neither related to our repairs) and the FIRST thing out of the insurance adjuster's mouth in both cases was, "Did you have any repair work done lately?". Rather than innocent until proven guilty it was the opposite. One of the fires was an F350 we had put an exhaust manifold on. At 5am the owner's wife got up to pee and noticed the truck was on fire in the driveway! The ins. co. tried to pin it on me with no luck. I proved that the battery cable for the electric dump body had rotted off, fallen, hit ground, turned red and started the fire. It was located behind the cab, not even close to where we were working.


You're right, Gramps, document everything. Otherwise you're paying for it regardless whether it was your fault or not.


I still have a shitload of photos of bad brakes, loose balljoints, etc that were declined by the owner. No f'ing way is someone going to hang me for their stupidity.


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That's funny that you mention the smart phone. I had a customer come in with a left rear wheel dumping axle lube out. He just had backing plates replaced. I removed the hub and the seal garder spring had been knocked out when the seal was pounded in with improper methods. I grabbed the customer and he snagged a picture. A phone call was made and pic texted and boom, the offending repair shop paided the bill no questions asked on the spot.


It made life nice and easy for the customer and the other shop didn't have a leg to stand on.

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