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First time camshaft.

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Doing my first camshaft on monday. Just wondering if anyone can provide some tips for r&r or some things to watch out for. I know I have to lift the crankshaft out of the way. Will it come up far enough with all the rods attached? I was thinking I would turn it nose down with the heavy duty stand and just drop it in.

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Yes, it will sneak out with lifting up the crank with the rods attached. You should replace the main bearings though as they are a crush fit design. Be sure to change the oil cooler, inspect the front cover and oil pump, ipr screen/ipr valve. I pull the oil cooler, and hpop and flip the engine upside down on a bench after I take the heads off, then remove the bed plate and lift the crank about an inch, slip the cam out.

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Jeez. What the hell is wrong with you guys. The powerstroke army guys said that flange that says "DO NOT REMOVE THIS FLANGE OR THE BOLTS" in the shop manual?


Take that shit off.


Don't worry about runout. Heat the piss out of it and put it back on with the variable rate swing press.


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Why are you changing the cam? Lifter take a dump?

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Aaron: I sure hope you are joking about the flange removal.


It is getting a camshaft because on roller started to flat spot and did enough damage to the camshaft, but not enough to spew metal throughout the engine to warrant replacing it. 292900 KMs on the odometer.


blown99: Thanks for the reply, although I don't see the need to replace the main bearings. I have done dozens of bedplate gasket jobs on both 6L and 6.4L and never replaced the main bearings.


Anyone else want to throw in an opinion about the main bearings as I have not seen any documentation on the necessity of this.

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No opinion on the main bearings here, but I am going to ask if you are replacing ALL the lifters or only one? I should hope the answer would be ALL if you are replacing the cam. By the way, speaking of lifters you might want to have your parts department look into this. According to Microcat, you buy a set of four lifters including the plastic guide (part number 8C3Z-6C329-B) for less than the price of one lifter. Not to be confused with part number 8C3Z-6C329-A, which is just the plastic guide without the lifters. And, are they worn like this?


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I have done tonnes of bed plate reseals and never replaced a bearing, never had an issue. If you are using the same crankshaft I dont see the need. Aren't all engine bearings a "crush fit"?

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Yes, I'm joking about the crank flange. Posted Image


As for bearings, I'd offer it to the customer. Rolling a set of bearings in at 300k wouldn't hurt, and you're already there.


I can't imagine the cost involved here already.

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Went smooth, got new bearings as well. Not sure how everyone else does it, but I used the lower bed plate as a cradle and lowered the crankshaft till it cleared the cam gear.


Thanks for the heads up on the lifters Mike. Dropped the price buy $600 using the "kit".

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  lmorris said:

Thanks for the heads up on the lifters Mike. Dropped the price buy $600 using the "kit".

So did you actually order the part number above? If so, did it actually include a set of four lifters along with the plastic guide? The reason I ask is because it would be nice to know for future reference. Fortunately, I have yet to have the pleasure/displeasure of doing one of these.
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