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2002 Mustang GT 4.6L

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Came in with P1151 <lean>. Has a "stage 2 cam & injecors" plus aftermarket flash. Sounds like a dirt track cam. NASTY! WhyTF take something like that in? Customer bought car as it is now and has no technical knowledge.


STFT was at +34. Finally figured-out if I removed PCV hose from throttle body and plugged TB port STFT would drop to normal. I wasn't aware of the style of PCV valve in these. It "screws" into RH valve cover. Found the PCV valve ck-spring had failed...


New PCV/cleared codes/KAM. All good now.



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So how'd it work on the road test?


I took a customer out in a 08-ish GT500 (his car) and SCARED THE PISS OUT OF HIM in it.


"I didn't know it could do that!"

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  Aaron said:

So how'd it work on the road test?


I took a customer out in a 08-ish GT500 (his car) and SCARED THE PISS OUT OF HIM in it.


"I didn't know it could do that!"

I didn't do the test drive on this trip. But when I drove it before I wasn't very impressed.

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I've already driven SEVERAL Mustangs of varying model years and engine/tranny combos to the point where it doesn't excite me anymore. And that's a sad thing because, once upon a time I used to love cars. In fact, the Mustang GT was my ultimate favourite ride that got me so hot and horny to work at a Ford dealer in the first place. Now, even a Ford GT doesn't overly thrill me anymore. I just actually had a 2012 Mustang GT that I long blocked about a month ago for a spun #2 rod bearing, that I got to drive home three nights in a row. The young kids at work were jealous that I got to drive this car home, which I quickly replied, "It's just another car. Whippee shit".

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I feel the same way. I used to be a "car" guy, now I seriously couldn't care less.


My car with the cam it had would always throw lean codes at idle from the overlap. I had lean codes and about 20 other DTCs programmed out of it.

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I have some "fancy pants" cars at my disposal (in season) should I feel the urge for computer generated ponies.....


But there are several reasons for liking the sound of a big block V8 with a really lllloooonnnnnggggggg cam. Not the smallest reason is because you can point to it and say unequivocally "I did that". I put that timing curve into the distributor and I chose it by performing the secret rituals of the ancients. I took that brand new carburettor and tore it down and made my little mods that I spent countless hours developing.


Any shmuck with more money than brains can go to the store and buy more horsepower in the form of a programmer.... It's no different than buying a sponge bob colouring book and managing to stay inside the lines.


But finding the extra ponies hidden in a four barrel carb or an MSD distributor... these are the things that separate the paint by numbers gang from the Norman Rockwells.


PCM? We doan neeeed no steenking PCM.

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Hey Mike, you oughta come down and take my Malibu for a ride.


Just your average, pump gas, SMALL BLOCK ALL MOTOR 10.90 street car Posted Image


Posted Image


Don't look like much, eh?


Posted Image


Flat hood, full exhaust all the way past the back bumper, carpet, upholstered seats...


It's as much of a sleeper as it can be.

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