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Hurricane Sandy

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Keith Browning

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First, hope everyone in the affected areas are making out ok.


During our ice storm in 98, a local service station was gouging pretty hard for gas as he was one of the few that was able to pump. After the storm, the fines and charges that were laid against him, and the public boycott of his station, quickly led to his demise, and closing of his business.

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No one is gouging now in my area, but we are running out rapidly. There's barely a handful of stations open, with up to 10 hour waits. I needed fuel for the truck and my yard equipment to keep cleaning up. No dice.


One station was having people park and leave their cars, they'd "call" when the delivery came.


All the others I saw (4) were in long lines with no guarantee that there would be fuel when you got to the pump. They are giving people with fuel containers priority, in a long, long line vs cars, with even longer lines.


This is gonna get bad, as I'm hoping to be back to work, but with only a weeks worth of fuel left in the car(s), I don't know what I'm going to do at that point. I hope power is restored all over and the fuel deliveries are taking place by then.

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I stood in line for an hour to get 5 gallons with my can and paid $4.16/gallon CASH ONLY. Rumors @ the fuel line have us with no power for about another week with a damaged sub-station. Now there's talk of a nor'easter this week

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Finally got gas for the truck and gas cans today. Couldn't get gas anywhere over the weekend.




They weren't following the odd/even gas rationing either at the station I went to.

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Very fortunate here in Syracuse as the storm tracked west of us. Was originally coming up the interstate and would have hit my work then home. Spend alot of time at work on stand by as parts of my work are not on auto standby generators. Our sewers will come up a manhole and fill my shop with our power for the sewer pumps. I hope things get better for you guys in jersey. If you need an extra generator im a bit away from you but willing to meet you half way to help out-


Stay Safe

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I'm so damn bored! And financial panic is starting. Been out of work since Sandy hit. No power at the shop, so no work. I'm going to apply for the disaster unemployment assistance.


They still haven't restored power. If they don't restore it today, I heard from the shop's secretary that we won't get power for at least another week. They are removing the crews starting this evening.



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  DieselD said:

Diesel is going up with gas slowly dropping out here in az

Typically, here in Canada, after a major disaster or crisis, diesel goes up because of the demand to run all the recovery/repair vehicles. Not sure who negates this but it seems we pay for it in more ways than we know.

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With what happened Tuesday...

I thoroughly expect, Hurricane, earthquake, fire, flood, blizzard, which we already had. Just two more to got, locusts and pestilence......


Friends north of the border have said that the results of Tuesday reinforce the notion that Americans are stupid. Somehow, I agree....

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Just got my power back!!!!!!! Posted Image 12 days without it. This is the kinda stuff that makes you analyze everything you have going on in your life and what others are going through. We have some work to do to get things back to normal.

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Somebody commented that now it's time to move on. That is not so easy as I am sure Jim can attest to. Just because YOUR home is undamaged and YOUR power is restored there are hundreds of thousands of homes severely damaged or completely destroyed, GONE! There are entire communities wiped out. Businesses closed and infrastructure destroyed. Something like this takes a long time to recover from. We see this shit happen on TV all the time but you don't realize the impact until you live through it. The ONLY positive thing that will come from this is the rebuilding will create work for thousands and stimulate the area's economy from labor and materials.

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  • 1 year later...

Chasing down mis-placed images and editing posts I came across this thread. For Thanksgiving we traveled south to my sister's house and my wife was at the wheel so I got to do a lot of sight seeing so to speak. One of the reasons we were without power for nearly two weeks then was the sheer number of power lines down and broken poles. In a 10 mile stretch of route 206 where main power lines run there had to be 50-60 new utility poles. I was amazed to see that there are still places on that stretch where fallen trees are STILL being held up by the power telephone and communications lines. My guess is that it was decided to restore power and attack the major damage first and then eventually come back and clean up the rest of the mess... I guess that isn't happening or at least not yet over a year later. What sucks is that there are still devastated areas in NJ, NY and Long Island that are still wasteland despite sporadic rebuilding.Then there was the newly rebuilt section of the Seaside Park Boardwalk (destroyed by Sandy) that was recently destroyed by fire and of course that was rebuilt again immediately. Not sure how I feel about that but I guess the reasoning is that the area is vital to the local economy there - no boardwalk, no summer tourism and vacationers spending money. Tell that to the people two blocks in who's homes are still missing. Governor Kristie Kreme was all over it. :rolleyes: 091213_seaside6.jpg

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