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Well guys, It's been 2.5 years at the Blue Oval. Senior Tech, then Diesel tech, then Master Tech. So now that I'm all trained up, naturally it's time to go lol.


Starting next week back at a GM dealer as the service manager. Time to lock up the tools and hang up the coveralls boys! Wish me luck!

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Hope you don't inheret a bunch of someone else's headaches.

Isn't that how a newly hired service manager's job usually begins? The position did become vacant for a reason you know.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good luck! Wish I could get out of wrenching. Body is wearing out!


Middle management is a dangerous place! Seen more managers come and go than I can shake a stick at. Most don't know there ass from first base. Hope you can take a face to face ass chewing and keep your cool/ I can't!!


GM is a really screwed up place. LOTS OF TSB'S And hard to work there. Seems like whole system is not technician/ user friendly. Much different from Ford.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're right ETS. A lack of diagnostic labour operations, ridiculous guildeliness for OLH (other labour hours = MT), and Reynolds can make life difficult, but I'm plugging away at it.


In any end of the department, Ford is the by far the easier manufacturer to work for. The only place Ford falls short is the lack of transportation assistance coverage unless you have ESP, even if you're still under base/powertrain warranty. I liked the brand, and I liked the dealership I worked for. But, I've got GM experience, and they offered me the chance to become the service manager and learn under a very experienced Fixed Ops. Mang, and I'm thankful for the opportunity.

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If the employer "wants" you as a tech, then you have every right to request your own "wants".


In my case, I left the last dealer because 1: management was driving me freaking batty, and 2: I was sick of losing my ass on diesels. I moved to this dealer with the stipulation of less diesel work and more other stuff. After a short while I noticed that the less diesel became all diesel. I requested other work and was offered a compensation package because of my past experience and training, a straight time guarantee on any diesel job that became a nightmare beyond my control. However, if I screw something up, I eat my time, fair is fair. 6 years later all is good.

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If you are looking to make 200 hours pay for 100 hours work, then dealership diesel work is not the way to go. All in all it is not bad, there is still retail diesel work coming through our doors, so I manage to pull a good paycheck despite the warranty battle. Research your potential employers, if the retail end is there no reason to not dive in.

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I could care less about turning hours. I'd like to be paid for the time I spend at work which happens to be way more than anyone else in the service department. Several factors throughout the day majorly waste my time, often I can't get anything done until after everyone else is gone. We never have parts either.


I keep showing up because trucks keep rolling into my bay. We are growing but the work is not steady, they're usually not waiting outside because we can't get to them, it's day by day. That bothers me because when i'm not tied up it leaves me to do crap I don't care for....namely trans work.


We have another good tech that used to do diesels but I'm not letting him have any. If he wants diesel and all the gravy he can work by himself. I think that's pretty clear.

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