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Who's got this wiener in their avatar again?

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  Aaron said:

I love how adding comments is disabled.


Fuck that guy is a goof.

I just tried posting, but it's pending approval so I doubt it's going to make it up there. Interesting question is pending approval of whom? Here's my post anyways, for those of you interested:

Originally Posted By: mchan122868

Bill you are the best. I am a Ford dealer tech that has been wrenching for over twenty years of my life and I will never be as good as you. I agree with you 100%. ALL dealerships are absolute crooks, who only want to upsell blinker fluid flushes and rotate the air in your tires. Never mind the fact that we have all the most up to date factory service publications available to us either in paper form or online, we don't ever bother reading them. Your words are music to my ears. Keep talking!!!

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If you have a YouTube account you have the comments options available to you. If you post a video, YOU get to approve comments. No one else. What's more you can be banned from commenting on that account by the account holder.


So it stands to reason Mike that Mr. Bill will be reading your comment.

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  Keith Browning said:


I am still trying to understand the infatuation with mocking this guy. Sometimes I feel it brings us down to his level. This is probably the first and only video he has made that hits home... so to speak. We have discussed this topic many times. Posted Image

Keith, I can concur, but I think it's simply the fact that this guy goes against everything we all stand for. I know I myself took great pride in my Ford career and still feel very proud about it even after I have left it. He is attacking every single Ford technicians pride out there and I think most folks are so darned sick of him, they just want to take him already. That's all I ever see in any of his rants and videos is how much better he is than any Ford Dealership tech out there and how piss poor all Ford techs are. He really is a piece of work!




O.K. I'm gonna highjack this thread a little. I think actually met Bills brother at a Chrysler dealership I call on. He is the Shop Foreman and I found him removing a transaxle from a front wheel drive with two pry bars criss crossed (one run across the two strut towers and the other run acropry bart prybar to a pieceacross actross the the rad support and mechanics wire wrapped around the horn of the throttle body. I think I offended him when I laughed my ass off and told him that a proper 1000lb Transverse bar with rad support bar and chains and hooks is only $160.00 and considered safe. I really wanted to snap a photo, but I think I pissed him off enough as is!

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