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High Mileage 6.7L

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There was an argument on one of the internet forums I read from time to time about that truck.


Impressive, the guy said all it has had is a radiator and the heated seats don't work.

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  Aaron said:

Impressive, the guy said all it has had is a radiator and the heated seats don't work.

Man, I find it hard to believe that's all it got, and find it hard to believe any vehicle could go 500k without more troubles than that. You know what they say about some people, they only lie when their lips are moving.....



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There was originally a picture in the thread on that powerstroke site, but everyone started bitching that it was a photoshop.


Yes, I'm going to photoshop the mileage UP on my truck Posted Image

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Hmmm, at a 55 mph avg speed that trucks has 378 24 hour days on it. 55 mph per engine hour is tough to get to so it likely has a lesser miles per engine hour usage. The earliest delivered 2011 trucks are 1050 +/- days old. That truck has not stood still much.

Heated seat grids do break from ass time and the youtube showed a polished leather wheel which is common on high milers with less age. The skeptical suspicious side of me needs more evidence.

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We had one in yesterday that was showing 16,000 KM and looked like it was just bagged. Turns out the odometer has gone around once already according to the owner. Does anyone know when they loop back to zero? The customer thought it was 299,999 km when his looped. If that is the case why does that truck read so high? You would think it would loop like the one we had in.

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The old E vans went to 399999 and back to 300,000 again. It was a pita to keep records, especially for DOT when they did that.


When I was at the limo/car company we had about a dozen gas vans that went to 399,999 3 times. Most were 1994 with the 5.8, untouched internal engine and transmissions.


The older Merc GMQ 6 digit analog odos in the '95-'99s would go to 999,999 before re-zeroing. Posted Image

I saw too many of those to even think about. Nice thing was after 1995 model year, I stopped having to do in car valve stem seals. And, only 1 car ever needed timing chains.

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  Fredsvt said:


The older Merc GMQ 6 digit analog odos in the '95-'99s would go to 999,999 before re-zeroing. Posted Image



I see what you did there Posted Image


And I've seen super duties with over 500,000 on them, so the customer that has the one with 16,000 on it that looped at 299 if it's newer than 05 or so (which I can personally vouch for seeing with over 500) is full of poop LOL.

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The truck was a 2011 and the engine bay looked like shit. It had an oil leak down the front that maybe starts at the vacuum pump. The oil change guy got me to look at it and I told him the fan and stuff had to come off first to diagnose it. They told the customer and he told them it had wrapped once. He didn't want to fix it. Maybe full of it, who knows. It left the way it was..

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