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p0273 MAP/MAF TP correlation at idle

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Anyone ever came across this dtc? only one is system.


Truck is 2012 with 23,xxx miles, maf replaced 10,xxx miles.'

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  Josh said:

just tried a new map sensor,new maf and rest parameters. still appears

Just a thought, I was instructed by hotline to let the truck sit key off for 3 minutes minimum after any parameter reset to let the module go through the power down sequence.


Worth a try if you didn't wait this long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you ever get this one fixed? Have one doing the same thing. Leak test good. PPT J10 has MAF readings just under the spec. Waiting to see if that is the issue or not. Not going to change the MAF for a reading that is .1 below spec without the ok from hotline.


Here is what they responded with:


We have seen reports of the P2073 being set by a slightly stuck open EGR valve and MAP Sensor issues. A test has been developed to determine if there is an issue present with the EGR Valve. This may cause the MAF readings to show low during this testing of PPT J noted earlier. It would be recommended to remove the MAP Sensor from the intake and inspect for any carbon deposits clogging the sensor or port to the MAP.


Perform Pinpoint Test KA16 from the online PC/ED Section 5 and ensure that the recordings are done at operating temperature. Record the MAF, EBP, and MAP readings. Once everything is recorded, remove the bolts from the EGR inlet pipe at the intake manifold. Slide the gasket out. Then using a thin piece of soft material, such as a pop can, fabricate a block off plate. Then slide the block off plate and gasket back in place and reinstall the bolts.


Once the block off plate is installed, perform KA16 again and record the readings. If there is an increase in any of the readings, the EGR valve is slightly hung open causing the MAF Readings to be out of limits setting the P2073 DTC. It would the be required to replace the EGR valve, remove the test plate, and perform the reset procedure for the new valve and MAF.


It is crucial to perform the EGR Relearn procedure as described by Step 9 of the EGR Removal and Installation Process outlined in the online WSM Section 303-08. Once replaced, turn the key on for 10 seconds and then off for 30 seconds. This will allow the PCM to relearn the positions of the new EGR Valve.


To reset the MAF use the IDS and reset MAF Sensor feature located in the Tool Box > Powertrain Service Functions > Reset/Clear Specified Function Menu > MAF Sensor.

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  • 2 months later...

So I have the truck back in, replaced the MAF sensor and reset. Code comes back, noticed ssm 44130, update to PPT J for this code. Go through the PPT again and it says to replace the PCM. Contacted hotline about the block off test and they said the PPT now factors in MAF readings to determine a slightly open EGR and it is no longer required. I still get the same low, out of spec, readings. Plus the specs have not changed since I last looked at the truck. If the readings match those in the PPT then they have you replacing the EGR valve. This, to me, makes no sense. I also now get P2457, EGR cooler. This just keeps getting better.


Cooler is not plugged. Not sure what is going in with this one.


Now Hotline is saying that based on my low MAF readings, the EGR valve is to be replaced. Funny thing is that the PPT J9 states the EGR valve is to be replaced if the readings are 3.5 to 3.8 kHz. My readings of 3.1 does not put me in that range and has me replace the MAF, then move on to the PCM instead. I bet someone messed up when they coded that PPT and mixed up the result instructions. 


Replaced the EGR valve, and performed the 10 second on, 30 second off to relearn the position, roadtest and it sets p0402. PPT passes. KOER still sets p2457. Ran cooler performance PPT and it passes, then it sets P1102(MAF in range but lower than expected). I ordered in a PCM based on PPT J10. We shall see what happens when it gets in.

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Update to last post: Brain fart alert, forgot about the 3 minute key off after resets, was off on holidays/home renovations for a bit. Performed the MAF and EGR relearns and all is good.

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  • 1 year later...

I am on my third EGR valve for P2073 this year. A new valve corrected the first two trucks so I am confident this is the problem now since I sailed through to PPT J9 or 10 This one is an airport emergency response truck that sits and idles ALLLLLL day at the end of the runway. Not sure if that is a contributing factor or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One just left here that is a repeat repair for this code. Other guy put a MAF sensor in it. Of course the freeze frame data for the MAF pid is useless. They need to drop the truck off if the code returns. Looking at it for 10 minutes didn't show anything obvious

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Last time I had that code, hotline told me to replace the egr valve and do the reset procedures. And if the code returns, then replace the oil/vapor separator.  Also said the oil/vapor separator may be upsetting the maf readings. I just replaced both. One or the other fixed the problem...

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  • 1 year later...

So. P2073 along with soot accumulation. Replaced the EGR valve per J9, reset all tables, just for fun I re-ran J9, MAF readings went up, but were still in the high end of the spec for replacing the valve, roadtest over 15 km's, and it goes into regen, filter overloaded, got down to 55% then started climbing back up. Head back to the shop and run a manual regen, cleans out fine, check for codes, none. Released the truck. They get it back to their shop and the light comes back on. P2073 is back, run J9 again and the readings are lower than when it left, and still with in the spec for replacing the valve. KOER no codes. Reset the MAF again, going to roadtest and see what happens. Stay tuned for updates...Oh and its a  work site paramedic truck that has to head out ASAP..fun. 


No codes after roadtest. MAF readings are still in the range for EGR valve replacement, but no codes, no repairs. One more roadtest with some idling I think. 


Second road test, no MIL no codes. PPT J9 would still direct me to replacing the EGR valve.  :scratch:


One last edit. After leaving work I received one more piece of crucial information, it's like they purposefully hold this stuff back. Coming from a company that prides itself on technician training and FRFT scores, they do like to wait till the last minute to reveal this stuff.


They told me, and this is the first time hearing about this since the SCR issues we had 2 years ago, that it is "imperative" to reset the MAF adaptives TEN TIMES back to back, then the 3 minutes key off, to ENSURE that the PCM takes the procedure correctly. Lucky for me they never picked up the truck last night so I just went out and did it.

Edited by lmorris
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  On 5/26/2016 at 8:46 PM, lmorris said:


They told me, and this is the first time hearing about this since the SCR issues we had 2 years ago, that it is "imperative" to reset the MAF adaptives TEN TIMES back to back, then the 3 minutes key off, to ENSURE that the PCM takes the procedure correctly. Lucky for me they never picked up the truck last night so I just went out and did it.

The hotline told you to re set MAF 10 times back to back ? 

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Comment From: Ford   Comment Date: May 26 2016 18:30:21
Thank you for the additional information. It has been seen that DTC P2073 will return following replacement of the EGR valve and/or the MAF sensor in some instances if the EGR valve position is not relearned or if the PCM codes not accept the MAF adaptives reset on the first attempt.

It is very important that the EGR valve position be relearned using the procedure outlined in the EGR valve installation procedure found in section 303-08 in the online workshop manual AND the MAF adaptives are reset any time either of these components are replaced.

It is also very important that the MAF adaptives be reset 10 times back to back to ensure that the PCM accepts the reset. If this is not done, the potential for DTC P2073 returning dramatically increases. 

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We were told the same thing back in 2011/12 with the SCR parameter reset, then there was a calibration update to fix it.

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