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Adjusting to the Southeast

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Brad Clayton

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It's been about 7 months now since I relocated from the Northeast to the Southeast. I have had some difficulty with the relocation but I am making the best of it.

I was making a much better living, up there, doing the exact same jobs I do now. This is a bit confusing and is not offset by a lower cost of living, in fact the household bills are damn near the same, fuel costs are the same, ect.

I thought I would like being back in an area where it's nice and warm, but it's friggin hot and it's only the end of May.

There is one very nice perk though, no rust. Let's take a better look at this, shall we?

Exhibit A: a 2005 F-350 powered by a 6.0L

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Now let's break it down for all the guys working in the salt encrusted rust belts.

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Starting at the bottom we see the red arrow pointing at a starter terminal connection that is pristine with no green and blue algae puking out of the wiring. :)

Next the green arrow shows a trans dipstick tube that is not completely rotted out with cancer and you can actually pour trans fluid into it and it will make it to the sump instead of the ground.

Red circle shows an exhaust fastener that can be removed with the sloppiest 10 mm socket in your toolbox.

Blue arrows show absolutely no exhaust leaks and still running on factory stuff.

And last but certainly not least, the red square shows that the number 5 glow plug was accessed with a minimal amount of effort, using the glow plug harness removal tool, and then reinstalling the harness without any damage. :rockon:

Well, I will keep dealing with the shitty economy down here, but I'll keep all my Northern brethren in my thoughts while I breeze through what these guys call auto repair down here. :D

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Why's the up-pipe bolt upside down on some of these things. Most F-series I see are bolt down through, nut on the bottom. E-series are sometimes upside down but not always.


I also noticed the upside down bolts are sometimes fat in the middle where they go through the manifold.

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I have noticed them come through both ways, that's why I bought a 10mm and 13mm half moon wrench to access the top of the fastener depending on which way they were oriented. The "shouldered" bolts suck, cause you have to loosen both sides of the pipe to rock the y-back to access the HPOP, I have only seen those on the 07's though.

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All 6.0L model years from 2003 on up to mid 2006 have the bolts and nuts oriented where the bolt goes through the up-pipe with the nut on the exhaust manifold end. On mid 2006 and up models (I'm assuming the commonized engines with the 20mm dowels), the nuts are on the up-pipe ends secured with the shouldered bolt, bolt head on the exhaust manifold end.

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Not exactly sure why they did this, but I know of one person, not me, that has blasted hotline a few times because of it.

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  mchan68 said:

All 6.0L model years from 2003 on up to mid 2006 have the bolts and nuts oriented where the bolt goes through the up-pipe with the nut on the exhaust manifold end. On mid 2006 and up models (I'm assuming the commonized engines with the 20mm dowels), the nuts are on the up-pipe ends secured with the shouldered bolt, bolt head on the exhaust manifold end.

exactly...or at least that is what is intended from the factory.


Welcome to the land of no rust! I dont know how you guys deal with that crap. I could never wrench on rusty vehicles day in and day out. Now working on a hot engine in the summer months is not exactly fun but burning the shit out of myself is 10 times better then dealing with rusty ass vehicles Posted Image

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It's fixin to really get get hot down yonder.

I reckon it will be hot down there for a few months. Of course there will be the occasional afternoon thunderstorm where it rains like a cow pissing on a flat rock for a spell and then the sun comes back out and it gets all steamy again.

Just drink plenty of sweet tea and you'll survive.

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Im on the coast in SC, love it down here. The fishing is gteat,

I caught 12 sandsharks in like 3 hours, also pulled a pretty large stingray

half out of the water but it managed to flap its way back under and

almost pulled me under the pier and took my hook with it.


Seems like a great place to retire down here, not sure. about the economy

in the non tourist areas.

Im waiting out the storm now, windsblowing pretty strong

and im right on the water, hopefully its safe to travel tomorow becuase

im checking out.

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