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Failed Engine - No Tear Down

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Maybe this is odd, maybe not. A 2011 F550 gets dragged in. Customer states he heard a grinding noise, the engine lost power then stalled. Is a crank/no start.


I confirmed it cranks normally but does not fire. Had a low FRP code and ONE glow plug circuit code. Data logger shows FRP at FRP Desired. No problem there. Relative compression show 1,2 and 5 10-15% loss. Manual compression shows 12 and 5 all below 100 PSI.


By build date and the glow plug DTC this sucker meets the criteria for a long block as per TSB 12-11-11 for 18.3 freakin hours and I am already about 4 into it without the cab off.


So what kills me is Ford doesn't even want a tear down and inspection?

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Just for shiggles, I took the head off of one of them TSB applied engines. Half the exhaust valve had become part of the piston.

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They probably don't want us to know what the real failure is. Glow plug is damaged 'cause some shit was dancing around in there, and now thanks to Mr Morris, we know what Posted Image


I suppose it's better than changing all the exhaust valves in one head under warranty.

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  Mikill said:

If you look at the TSB it's coded to a valve. This truck seems to have valve problems but the ones we have seen have all been 450 and 550s.

Every failed engine I have replaced has been in an F550.

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The one I did was a 250 if recall correctly. It definitely swallowed two valves and I got LOTS of pictures. That repair was done just when the TSB was about to hit us. In fact, there was a delay with the long blocks because (as I hear) they put the wrong glow plugs in the engines. This was right after Ford redesigned the cylinder heads and announced the glow plug change as well.

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